Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hit Those Goals

We need to be aware of where we are in relation to our goals. Look at your short term goals. If you have not quite hit them for the week how should you be working compared to if they were already accomplished? How would you want your team to work in that given situation?

We need to manage ourselves first before we can hope to have someone else even work with us.

We need a vision first of where we want to be in our lives. A goal becomes a vision with a date on it. When we find ourself falling off the pathway of our goals we need to get back to the joy of our vision. What does that feel like to have that vision come true? What would that vision mean to others? Really remind yourself of the benefits for accomplishing your vision. That is the way to recommit and continue on the path. We can go up and down but we must continue to rise over the long term. It is a lot easier to stay on the path if we have a more detailed plan. Maybe we are a little too loose which helps us forget. Especially at the beginning until better habits are formed we need to immerse ourselves and be soooo detailed that it's hard to do fall off.

Again...the reason this is so important is because if we can not manage ourselves we will not be able to help someone else. If we can't help someone else that is why they are not in our team.

We often pick a time to get a goal accomplished and it doesn't happen. Don't worry every goal and idea has a gestation period. Maybe it just takes longer than you had planned. When does a flower bloom? All things have sowing periods before we reap. We all have been discouraged by missing goals and had to forge on keeping our attitudes up. Again remind yourself what you'd want your team to do if they were in that given situation. If you don't have a team it's probably because you are not managing yourself first.

To be interesting to other people be interested in them. Give to them in heart, love, listening, and anything else you can.

Reward yourself along the way in proportion to the accomplishment.


Anonymous said...

Thank you..I take the goals seriously and have improved since being consistent..but have a ways to go yet..

Anonymous said...

Well put as Always. I am loving my goals even more, its a true sport to accomplish them. Thank you, Mark

Anonymous said...

Incredible. So helpful. So encouraging. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Jim said...I continue to see that I have a long way to go but I am finding the truth about success being in the journey & not the destination. Even the satisfaction of learning to be a real goal setter is a BIG personal satisfaction for me. Thank you for all this.

Anonymous said...

very well very helpful to me as I begin this New Year.
Thank you, Sir.