Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Habits

So how do you break a bad habit? How do you give it the boot out of your life? Here are a few things that must be a part of the plan in order to see that stuff gone forever!

1. You must want them to go. That's right, some people want them to stick around. I have seen people watch tv instead of getting to work. I have seen smokers continue smoking while watching their parents die of emphysema. They don't want them to go. The first thing is to go deep into the recesses of your heart and ask, "Do I really want to give this up?"

2. You do? Good. Step two: Make up a list of all of the reasons you want to quit your bad habits. Make them positive. Make the list long! Start with the gigantic strong reasons first. Now memorize them. Put them in your mind. You are making connections between stopping the bad behavior with what good things you will get from doing so. If you want to build your business put the things like freedom, travel, giving, and any material items that would motivate you. If you want to stop smoking, picture your wife actually kissing you rather than sending you to the bathroom to brush your teeth!

3. Choose. That is right. Once you have the information, this comes down to one thing: It is an act of the will. Choose to do it. Say to yourself throughout the day, "I am choosing to..." Eisenhower rightly said, "The history of free men is written not by chance but by choice, their choice." It is your choice. You can write your life into whatever you want it to be. We are all like clay ready to be formed.

4. Take action! Point four is tricky because there are two philosophies about this. One theory is that you must take massive action. You must go all or nothing. Using the business example they have got to start with the highest investment, quit their job, focus 14 hours a day. They go all out! That works for some. Others would burn out on that, feel like failures and be worse off than before. They should start out slow, taking baby steps, but working diligently toward a planned goal. This person would decide to start at a more comfortable investment level. They would decide to attend a certain amount of live trainings each week, making a certain amount of calls each day. See how this works? Either way is okay as long as you get to the goal eventually.

5. Tell somebody. This is your accountability partner. Tell them your goal and tell them your plan. Write it down for them and have them ask you on regular intervals about your progress. This will prove invaluable!

6. Recover from failure. Inevitably most people will have setbacks. The key is to have them be setbacks and not turnbacks! Pick yourself up and get going again. Some people may get excited go call a few people, get told they are crazy, get depressed. Then they feel bad and give up. Don't! Get back after it! No one has every grown by successes alone. Chalk it off to experience! Say to yourself, "Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn."

7. Reward yourself. That's right. You should regularly congratulate yourself by rewarding yourself with some gift to yourself. Start small with small victories and plan a big one when you are finally and for sure over the habit.

Is it that simple? Most of the time, no. Habits are hard to break. There are so many intangibles that it would be hard to cover them all. But this is a simple and workable plan that will help you make great strides if you apply the principles.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Challenges

When asked, "How do you develop mental toughness in life?", my response might sound negative at first when I answer, "Always be prepared for a surprise. The surprise might be a negative surprise. Something is going to happen in your day, whether you have no one home all day, have your cousin tell you you're crazy, or whatever -- something is going to happen... And the key is your ability not to take mole hills and look at them as mountains."

Problems are a normal part of change. Things are changing so rapidly that there are going to be problems you face. So you must look at failure as an event, not as a person. I'm not a failure. Maybe I've had a failure or a temporary inconvenience. I've had a stumbling block, and the idea is to turn the stumbling block into a stepping stone, and step on it instead of stumble over it.

So look at failure as the fertilizer of success.Fertilizer stinks, it smells. You see that guy putting it on his lawn and you say, "Wow, that guy fertilized his lawn, he's trying to make it better." You fertilize your mistakes. You don't wallow in them, lay in them, roll in them; you pick yourself up off your mistakes and learn from them. You try not to repeat that same thing again. But you look at it as a temporary inconvenience, as a detour -- a detour in life -- not as a failure.

These challenges are really opportunities that we have got to go through to strengthen us into the people we need to be to grow larger in our own awareness. We are going to grow to our success through these challenges and be a light that guides others through the same adversities they face in their lives.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Working With Others

Motivate People to Give of Their Best
It is the vision of the future possibilities, of what can be, that arouses emotion and motivates people to give of their best. They need to understand how they can change the lives for people all around the world. How they can change their income to levels they never imagined. What if you had 100 affiliates active around the world and they each generated you only $100 a month? That would be 10k a month whether you worked or not. Imagine helping a non-profit have 1000 customers that they only earned $10 from each a month to have and extra 10k a month themselves to cover the dreams.

Keep Your Cool
Another key to leadership success is for you to "keep your cool." A study at Stanford Business School examined the qualities that companies look for in promoting young managers toward senior executive positions, especially the position of Chief Executive Officer. The study concluded that the two most important qualities required for great success were, first, the ability to put together and function as part of a team. Since all work is ultimately done by teams, and the managers' output is the output of the team, the ability to select team members, set objectives, delegate responsibility and finally, get the job done, was central to success in management.

Practice is Everything
The second quality required for rapid promotion was found to be the ability to function well under pressure, and especially in a crisis. Keeping your cool in a crisis means to practice patience and self-control under difficult or disappointing circumstances.

People Are Watching
The character and quality of a leader is often demonstrated in these critical moments under fire, when everyone is watching, observing and privately taking notes. As Rudyard Kipling once said, "If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then the world is yours and all that's in it".Your job as a leader is to have a clear vision of where you want to go and then to keep your cool when things go wrong, as they surely will.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Gradual Adaptation

The older I get the more I notice that my metabolism seems to be moving slower than most glaciers. I was watching a turtle the other day make its way across the grass and I could have sworn that I heard my metabolism say,' Hey turtle, slow down…what is your hurry?'

It has become a monumental struggle to maintain the weight that I prefer to be at. Other than eating the right foods, I have become a runner. That is right – a runner. It is the last thing I thought you would ever hear me say. A few years ago, it would have been more likely that I join a circus as a fire juggler. Yet, here I am a runner.

A concept that running has taught me is the one of 'gradual adaptation'. When I started running 1 and a half miles seemed tough. As I lumbered around the block that first jog it felt as if my eyes were rolling back in my head. I could feel my lunch making its way to resurface and my lungs gasped to grab all the oxygen that they could.Now, today as I glide past the 1.5 mile mark I haven't even gotten warmed up. What made the change? Gradual adaptation.

A fellow runner suggested that I run for twenty minutes at a slow pace. He convinced me that it was the duration and not the intensity that was important. I soon reported back to him that I was able to run twenty minutes with great ease at 6.3 mph. 'Super!' he replied. 'Next time you run – run for 25 minutes' was his continued suggestion.In my mind, he might as well told me to sprout wings and fly. Yet, I nodded my head and told him I would give it a try. To my amazement the extra five minutes came easy. Within a few weeks, I was running 30 minutes, then 35, then 40, then 45 and then 60 consecutive minutes!If I had started at 60 minutes, I would have most likely been wheeled to the hospital afterwards and never ran again. Instead, I chose the option of gradual adaptation.

Whether your goal is running, building a business or learning a new skill the concept of gradual adaptation is one that you must implement to be successful.Don't attempt to change the world in a day. Most people over estimate what they can accomplish in a year (this is because they don't practice gradual adaptation) and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.

How to implement gradual adaptation:
- Decide what your ultimate goal is
- Understand this will also be a lesson in patience and do not rush the end result
- Establish stages or levels of the larger goal
- Focus on the next stage, not the end result.
- Remind yourself of the end result to maintain excitement and passion while still focusing on the next stage
- Measure your progress

Realize that your results in any endeavor will be slow at first but as you gain momentum the results expand geometrically. This is why most overestimate their accomplishments for a year and under-estimate the possible accomplishments of a decade.This six step process will work if you are building a business, a workout routine or learning a new skill. Remember that no one ever ran a marathon the first time out of the blocks and neither will you.Practice gradual adaptation.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Wayward Winners

I believe there are three kinds of people. There are winners, who know what they want and understand their potential and the possibilities. They take life on. Next are losers, who don't have a clue as to who they are. They allow circumstances to shape their lives and their self-image.

I believe there is a third group as well. This consists of potential winners whose lives are just slightly out of alignment. I call them wayward winners. It may be that they just need to learn how to be real winners. Perhaps they've hit a bump or two that has knocked them off course and they are temporarily frustrated. A failed relationship, a lost job, financial problems, unformed goals, a lack of parental support, illness„many things can send us off course temporarily.Wayward winners are not lost souls; they just need some tweaking and coaching and nudging to get them back on course. Some mentorship and direction maybe nice. Many of these wayward winners are easily identifiable because they are always searching.

Right now, there are many wayward winners out there braving rain, sleet and snow because they, too, still believe that they have untapped talents. They attend motivational seminars and listen to inspirational tapes and they plunge onward, believing that sooner or later they will find their way again.Other wayward winners have temporarily given up. They are damaged and disoriented, their confidence badly eroded. They tend to drift through life aimlessly. The friends and relatives and loved ones of wayward winners see that they are out of sync and wonder why they can't be satisfied, why they don't settle down. They wonder how people who have such obvious abilities and great potential can be so disoriented and unsure.

It is difficult for others to understand the pain of a broken heart or the feelings of being lost with no direction. You and I know. We all have been there. Wayward winners know that there are possibilities out there, but too often they feel that they are not for them. Some are afraid to risk any more because of what they have risked and lost already.I know now that as difficult as it may be for you wayward winners to do, it is necessary to continue to test yourselves. Even though you have been hurt before, it is the only way to grow. We all have the capacity to change, to lead meaningful and productive lives by lifting ourselves upward to higher levels. Success is like the kid reaching for the cookie jar, as we grow everything becomes in reach. These lessons that are necessary for us each to learn are the steps up to even higher levels that we would've never reached without them.

You know there are going to be tough times as you go about changing your life, so brace yourself and you will be able to handle them. When you get into your seat on an airplane, what is the first thing they tell you to do? Fasten your seat belt. Brace yourself for the turbulence.When you decide to move your life to the next level of accomplishment, you must fasten your mental and spiritual seat belts because it is going to be a while before you reach that comfortable level again. You will reach it, but you must endure the turbulence of change in order to grow.

Try this technique to help you through the difficult times of change and growth. Find four reasons why you cannot fall victim to your fears and your troubles. Find those deep sources of motivation that can lift you out of the turbulence and above the clouds. You must change your life because, for example:
You have not yet tapped the talents given you.
You want to leave something more for your children.
You want to live life rather than letting life live you.
You want to do what makes YOU happy.
You want to give to life not take.

It is in these rocky early moments of bringing change to your life that you discover who you are. In the prosperous times, you build what is in your pocket. In the tough times, you strengthen what is in your heart. And that is when you gain insight into yourself, insight that leads to self-mastery and an expansion of your consciousness as a force in both your personal and professional lives. As you become more you have more. You grow to success.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Become A Marshmallow Resister

A fascinating study was conducted at the University of Stamford some years ago. Four-year-old children were placed in a room, one by one, and a marshmallow was placed in front of them. Each child was told that if they didn't eat the marshmallow in fifteen minutes, they would get two; but if they ate the marshmallow in front of them, they wouldn't get another one. Two out of three kids ate the marshmallow.

Fifteen years later, there was a follow up to the study and what was found was incredible. Every child that participated in the study and hadn't eaten the marshmallow was successful and many of the children who had eaten the marshmallow were not doing well at all. Some had dropped out of school, others were not making good grades, and others still were very much in debt.

The conclusion of the study was that people who are able to delay gratification have a much better chance of being successful in life. There are marshmallow eaters and marshmallow resisters in our society, but the eaters outnumber the resisters three to one.

This principle is perhaps the only success principle that can be applied by anyone. If in the past you were like me and would've eaten the marshmallow right away it is time to change and resist. We have a future to build. Let's learn from our mistakes and follow the lead of the successful people.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


1. DREAM BIG. We have all heard the stories of people coming from no where to dramatic levels of success in all areas of life. What is stopping that from happening to you? Nothing! The only thing that every stops any of us is that we don't dream big enough. Make sure to get creative, think about the best case scenario, and dream big with no thoughts of failure.

2. STUDY. Once the dream is set you need to learn all you can about how to attain it. I remember watching vhs tapes on how to get started 30x over. These tapes had the most basic of content but were important for me to get every last detail to reach success faster. I spent $1000 a month or more on the companies training. Read every last thing the companies CEO gave us. Make sure you do all this and more as you work towards your dream.

3. INVOLVE OTHERS. We need a team of people to help us out. Many of us don't get enough prospects involved, we don't utilize our expert enough, we don't promote enough for trainings. I would get ever last person I could to be in my team and help me with referrals if nothing else. I never looked at it as "my team only". I looked at it as part of a bigger whole and that I wanted the help of every last available resource to help me with my team and the individuals involved. We need help by all the experts, materials, and any other possible positive influences.

4. GET STARTED. Set your plan. The most important moment is this moment. Get your goals down to the detail about what must happen now. Then do it. Don't be relaxed with your daily goals make them happen. Get started and take action! Success is the positive accumulation of moment by moment steps that accumulate towards your dream. I see many people afraid to jump in and take action, and I see others who have started but don't mind not hitting their daily goals. We need to constantly "GET STARTED" and work our goals set up.

5. EXPECT OPPOSITION. Not everyone wants to sign up with you. Not everyone thinks that you will make this work. You doubt yourself sometimes. Some think this is not real. You wish you could invest more in your business. You wish you were making more money sooner. You want more free time right now. You need to be retired like yesterday. It is too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry...I think you get the idea. There will always always be problems and opposition. The key to your success is to not act so surprised by the negative others, doubting feelings within yourself, and outside circumstances that don't fall into place fast enough. If you aren't shocked by them they can't hurt you as much. Do you think others have survived this opposition and more on their way to success? Do you think your team will have these issues as well? How would you like them to handle them? However you would like your team to respond is exactly what you should get into the habit of doing.

6. HAVE FAITH. If you relax and have faith there will be many things that you have no way of being able to comprehend at this point that will show themselves.

7. NO COMPLAINING. Every complaint is just wasting your time from finding the real solution.

8. DON'T QUIT. The old adage "quitters never win and winners never quit" is true. It is a simple rule and if followed fully will make all the other negatives smaller. People get into real trouble when they contemplate quitting. Would you want to work with someone who entertains the idea of quitting. I know I wouldn't want to go near that person. How can we take steps forward when we are hurting our self that badly. Focus on growing and getting to where you want to be. What must you do right now this moment to help you towards your dream.

9. CELEBRATE. Celebrate every last small thing possible. Create an atmosphere of success by celebrating every successful step along the way. Make sure you do that same thing with your affiliates. As you learn to celebrate the small successes you will then notice that you have come a long way in creating large successes. And...before you know it your BIG DREAM WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Chad Schapiro: YOU CAN DO IT!

The first thing we need for you to do is to become an expert in OurGV. Read all the blog entries, go to all the trainings, listen to all the videos, study the coaching site. Aim to be recognized as someone who is not afraid to pay the price of success. Someone who knows that success is not built from the ground up but rather from the individual like you and I up. Remember the person who has the expertise has a far greater contribution to make than the person whose knowledge is just average.

The second type of main area is skill. The better you are as an affiliate, the more you will be paid. The top 20 percent of salespeople earn as much as ten and fifteen times the average earnings of the bottom 80 percent. There are three keys to developing skill. First, make a decision to be the best. Pay any price. Make any sacrifice. Go any distance to become excellent at what you do. Second, engage in continuous improvement. Never allow yourself to become satisfied or complacent at your current level of skill. And third, always strive to exceed the expectations of your prospects, your expert, and the affiliates you serve. Always do more and better than you're paid for.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Chad Schapiro: 2 KEYS

There are two powers of personality you can develop that will increase your charisma and your ability to lead others.

Decide Exactly What You Want!! The first of these powers is the power of purpose. Men and women with charisma and personal magnetism almost always have a clear vision of who they are, of where they're going and of what they're trying to make happen in their lives. Leaders have a vision of what they're trying to create and why they're doing what they're doing. They're focused on accomplishing some great purpose. They're decisive about every aspect of their lives. They know exactly what they want and what they have to do to get it. They plan their work and work their plan.

Set Clear Goals For Yourself
You can increase your charisma and the magnetism of your personality by setting clear goals for yourself, making plans to achieve them, and working on your plans with discipline and determination every day. The whole world seems to move aside for the person who knows exactly where he or she is going. In fact, the clearer you are about your purposes and goals, the more likely people will be to attribute other positive qualities to you. They will see you, or perceive you, as being a better and more admirable human being. And when you have clear goals, you begin attracting to yourself the people and opportunities necessary to make those goals a reality. Men and women with charisma have an intense belief in themselves and in what they are doing. They are usually calm, cool and composed about themselves and their work. They have a relaxed intensity and are rarely stressed out. Your level of self-confidence is often demonstrated in your courage, your willingness to do whatever is necessary to achieve a purpose that you believe in.

The Secret of Attraction
People are naturally attracted to those who exude a sense of self-confidence, those who have an unshakable belief in their ability to rise above the current situation to attain their goals. People are also attracted to someone who gives from their heart.

Creating Self-Confidence
One of the ways you demonstrate self-confidence is by assuming that people naturally like you and accept you and want to do business with you. One of the best ways to achieve success in your relationships is to assume that people naturally enjoy your company and want to be around you, and then go forward on that basis. The very act of behaving in a self-confident manner will set you apart as a leader in the eyes of others.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Chad Schapiro: WE'RE BACK!!

Many of you did an incredible job holding down the fort and actually advancing our cause for donating 1 billion dollars to various non-profits around the world. We thank you for your hard work and apologize that we did not get you on this past cruise. It was AMAZING!!

Traveling the globe in one of the nicest cruise ships in the world is nice. Going to one of the top 10 beaches in all the world in Nigril, then on a submarine 110 feet below the ocean, and to a private VIP island where the filmed the corona commercials, all of this was great but would have been even better if you were there!

Spending time with Marita Ionescu, Mark Christensen, Ardie Wahl, and the President WJ Vincent II was the biggest treat for me. In a business where we build relationships all over the world thanks to the phone and the internet it is still such a pleasure and honor to meet with these incredible people face to face. To see the passion and hunger for the companies goals as well as their own lofty goals only inspires myself and all around them. I think we all walked off the cruise ship feeling like we let everyone down by not pushing harder to get you on there.

We know we each had to push through all kinds of personal barriers our self to reach these levels of production and should be helping you do the same. We will not let you down again, now is the time to push it and get you on the next one!!! We can not live in regret of wishing you had been there when another is so close to being here that we need to wipe the slate clean and get it done. Plan on going, take the time off, check into buying the plane ticket, take that week off from work (if you work), make any king of arrangements necessary to show yourself and the rest of the world that it is a done deal. Now all we have to do is roll up the shirt sleeves and get down to business!! LETS DO IT!

Will you be on the next one?? I am personally going to do everything in my power to get you there.