Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Habits

So how do you break a bad habit? How do you give it the boot out of your life? Here are a few things that must be a part of the plan in order to see that stuff gone forever!

1. You must want them to go. That's right, some people want them to stick around. I have seen people watch tv instead of getting to work. I have seen smokers continue smoking while watching their parents die of emphysema. They don't want them to go. The first thing is to go deep into the recesses of your heart and ask, "Do I really want to give this up?"

2. You do? Good. Step two: Make up a list of all of the reasons you want to quit your bad habits. Make them positive. Make the list long! Start with the gigantic strong reasons first. Now memorize them. Put them in your mind. You are making connections between stopping the bad behavior with what good things you will get from doing so. If you want to build your business put the things like freedom, travel, giving, and any material items that would motivate you. If you want to stop smoking, picture your wife actually kissing you rather than sending you to the bathroom to brush your teeth!

3. Choose. That is right. Once you have the information, this comes down to one thing: It is an act of the will. Choose to do it. Say to yourself throughout the day, "I am choosing to..." Eisenhower rightly said, "The history of free men is written not by chance but by choice, their choice." It is your choice. You can write your life into whatever you want it to be. We are all like clay ready to be formed.

4. Take action! Point four is tricky because there are two philosophies about this. One theory is that you must take massive action. You must go all or nothing. Using the business example they have got to start with the highest investment, quit their job, focus 14 hours a day. They go all out! That works for some. Others would burn out on that, feel like failures and be worse off than before. They should start out slow, taking baby steps, but working diligently toward a planned goal. This person would decide to start at a more comfortable investment level. They would decide to attend a certain amount of live trainings each week, making a certain amount of calls each day. See how this works? Either way is okay as long as you get to the goal eventually.

5. Tell somebody. This is your accountability partner. Tell them your goal and tell them your plan. Write it down for them and have them ask you on regular intervals about your progress. This will prove invaluable!

6. Recover from failure. Inevitably most people will have setbacks. The key is to have them be setbacks and not turnbacks! Pick yourself up and get going again. Some people may get excited go call a few people, get told they are crazy, get depressed. Then they feel bad and give up. Don't! Get back after it! No one has every grown by successes alone. Chalk it off to experience! Say to yourself, "Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn."

7. Reward yourself. That's right. You should regularly congratulate yourself by rewarding yourself with some gift to yourself. Start small with small victories and plan a big one when you are finally and for sure over the habit.

Is it that simple? Most of the time, no. Habits are hard to break. There are so many intangibles that it would be hard to cover them all. But this is a simple and workable plan that will help you make great strides if you apply the principles.


Anonymous said...

This is excellent!! I will apply these principals to all areas of my life...Thank you Sir

Anonymous said...

Thank you again for a golden nugget of truth. MarkMDC

michael said...

So true,So true and I will keep working at my own bad habits.Thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I am at step 1 now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you -Thank you .Starting my many lists now

Anonymous said...

Thank you !! Appreciate the simplicity of the steps to the change!!