Monday, October 16, 2006


Success-Progressive steps towards a worthwhile goal.

Most people don't stick with it long enough to attain their goals.

Certainty. Know where you are going so firmly that people start to take you seriously. People don't question someone as often that has certainty. Focus on the little successes so that certainty gets built up over time.

The opposite of courage is conformity. Why are most people trying to act like everyone else when stats show the majority is financially frustrated.

Most are yearning for some coaching and don't have it. You and I can introduce them to OurGV and change lives. It may take years of learning to fuel you forever, and to the point that you can power up others. Make sure to feed your mind, heart, and soul with that stuff that will help us. We become what we think about.

Something that creeps into your mind that is negative just let it roll out as fast as it came in.

If I could share one thing with you it would be the mentality of gratefulness. Be thankful for the breath you have. Feelings of gratitude help attract more into your life. It allows you not to take the things, people, and lives we all now have.

Passion fuels everything. LIVE WITH PASSION!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you..Appreciate so much your messages to us..

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Thank you! So many times I left the passion out bc it was easier to be bland, easier to be average, easier to be normal, easier to be mediocre. Passion takes courage, and energy and effort. The courage to stand out from the crowd, to attract attention. But having tried both over and over, I have found out that there is no other way to live for me, than with Passion! You are the greatest! and we are thankful.