Monday, November 13, 2006

Change Your World First

Every adversity has the seed of an equal or greater benefit. We are the masters of our future because we are the masters of our attitude.

If there is one thing I have learned and continue to work on each day its that statement of controlling my attitude. I have learned to love my work because I realize it is not the work but my attitude that helps create that enjoyment.

When you help people enjoy their work each day you've given them a gift most take for granted. People work each day hours and hours a day hating what they do. Tolerating it even though their is typically no benefit besides money to pay the bills. When we can help people enjoy what they do it helps all other areas of their lives. Most of us haven't found the situation where we could combine our work with the two big heart areas inherent in each one of us, the will to love other people, and the desire to serve others. In our company we have it all!!!! When we focus on these things we start to be a lot more positive. When we are more positive we attract even greater things into our lives. We attract what we are.

Does that mean we will always be totally excited with where we are and what we are doing? No...But the key is to develop "inspired dissatisfaction" to help create the things you really want. This inspired dissatisfaction allows you to still be positive in tough situations and allows for better things to be attracted and thus change that situation sooner than later.

Some keys to changing your world:

  • A positive mental attitude
  • Definiteness of purpose
  • Going that extra mile
  • Accurate thinking
  • Self-discipline
  • Applied faith
  • A pleasing personality
  • Enthusiasm
  • Controlled attention
  • Teamwork
  • Learning from defeat
  • Budgeting time and money properly
  • Maintaining sound physical and mental health


Anonymous said...

Thank you...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you so much.