Sunday, November 05, 2006

Receptive to Success

Have you ever cooked pancakes before? I can barely cook anything but I can cook some pancakes. Nothing fancy but they are good and people at least eat them. One time I thought I would get a little fancier and try and cook up some waffles with one of those waffle irons. When I carefully made up the batter just like usual and put in into the waffle thing I was getting ready for a new masterpiece. All of a sudden I started smelling smoke and seeing it come out of the iron thing. It was a mess. All of the batter had burnt to the iron and after cleaning for what seemed like hours I was finally able to be at stage 0 where I had started. Little did I know that the waffle recipe called for more oil. Something as simple but necessary as that made my next experience a success. Guess what......

My business was the exact same. I had been thinking I knew how to do it and and what time things should happen. Little did I know I was missing incredible simple but necessary steps to the recipe that were costing me success. I now see others doing these mistakes all the time. Feeling like they know how to do it....feeling like the steps should not take as long as they do to complete.

There are 3 different kinds of reactions when learning new information. Figure out where you fall in this list.
1. Receptive. These are the people that are agreeing with everything they are reading even now. They agree with everything, and really enjoy the fact that most of them have full bank accounts or are on their way to having full bank accounts. You tell them to do the checklist and they do it. Go to all the trainings possible and they are there. Don't be a sparkler and fizzle out and they are long term for life in the business. Talk to people, be positive, get leads, put a list of non-profits together, do your goal sheets, and everything else they do it and enjoy the direction given.

2. Reluctant. Their first tendency is to say no but slowly but surely they open up and do what needs to be done. You try and tell them something they are doing wrong and they want to defend their actions. They don't succeed much on their own but when they do they have a selective memory and recall that they are right. They convince themselves that they are right most of the time, which makes it harder for them to be open with new information.

3. Rebellious. The rebellious folks are probably not reading this at all because they don't need to learn anything that I have to say. So we won't spend much time talking about them...but I think you get the idea.

I have decided to be as receptive to results and values that I choose to embrace in my life. Kind of like a picket fence. It serves as a boundary to my mind. It is not some impenetrable fortress that cannot be entered but more of a line that will not be crossed unless I choose to open the gate. I will open the gate freely to anything that will help make my area nicer and more enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT. Thank you for the value in this message. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Thank you...awesome as always..and inspiring to be even more receptive!!

Anonymous said...

I think I have, or have had all 3 of them in me. Working consistently to stay and remain in the #1. I love and agree with everything you say, and on bringing more and more people to read these your oh so valuable lessons. Thank you!