Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chad Schapiro: Beat Your Old Self

When you decide to make some massive changes you are going to hit the freak out barrier in your inner heart. You need to understand this so you can beat it. The way to beat it is to have a life time commitment to improving your life. We have a life time commitment to bathing why not do the same for this GIGANTIC area of our life.

If we think thoughts that only help us make 50k per year then we need to have different thoughts if we want to make 100k a year. These new thoughts are fine if they are only in the consciousness and in our visions for our future. When we start to get more emotionally involved we hit a freak out barrier and this freaking out makes us run for cover into our old comfort zone. This freaking out comes in the form of doubt, re-evaluating our opportunity, high stress, anxiety, frustration, and anything else that does not sound like any fun.

To beat it...
You want to gain an understanding of what's causing you to freak out. Understand that it is not justified. It is the old stuff holding you back. Decide that you are going to continue to jump on the new thoughts with everything you have. Let them win the tug of war with your old self. Fight it aggressively. If your goals don't scare you somewhat it's probably because you are not doing anything. Choose to water your conscious garden with the proper thoughts. You have the choice whether you feed yourself the same limiting thoughts of the past ignorant states or the new knowledge that is full of the beauty of your new life. You can justify why you have to look at the old mess but will that really help you at all?

Don't look at all the things that can go wrong but rather all the things that can go right. Tell the negative stuff to get out of here. Don't worry about suppressing it, face up to it and beat it down. When you understand why these old ideas are holding you back it will be easier to beat them and to change our future thoughts by focusing on the more positive new desired result.

The way to understand our new life is to study. More understanding will lead to more faith. Faith gives you added strength making you feel magnetic. That magnetism will attract more good things adding speed to your new thoughts. That magnetism will display itself in a peaceful easy feeling throughout you on a daily basis that attracts. Many people try to force it and it often chases the positive things away. We need to relax and stop fighting for what we think is ours and allow our faith that we are going forward to put us at ease. There are no short cuts and no one else needs to do more or less to get you there faster. Put yourself at ease and focus on yourself and your relaxation of moving steadily to your new self.

Study is done through repetition of the basics until they are part of us. Have faith in yourself. You can become and do anything you put your mind to, but it will come with a fight that you can win.


Anonymous said...

Thank you GREAT Lesson. Awesome. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Thank you. So perfect.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that thought at hand. It is worth pondering. Russell

Anonymous said...

Thank you..the lesson is awesome..to relax and learn. good one for me.

Anonymous said...

This is really good. Thank you.