Saturday, December 30, 2006



People that are successful recreate themselves anew with every failure. What I mean by that is when I would do something wrong (which was all the time) I would learn from that "failure" and be a new person moving forward stronger than I was prior. This would be a usual course of action and I would mentally clear the slate and be excited for the increased awareness and skills moving forward.

Most people in my opinion don't do this often enough. I've seen the Marita's, Mark's, Ardie's, and Marwan's, and many of the MDC's of the team do this ever single week since they were started. It is a great trait to add. It has allowed them to become even better than they know by slowly adding and growing.

Others get their chance now with New Year's. Look on the past as a great learning experience. Cut yourself some slack for the lack of results you wished you had achieved and get ready to go nuts. This is a great date to really clear that slate and become a new affiliate that brings tons of focus and production forward this coming year. Think of everything you'd like to be in 2007 and act that way starting day one. It's a whole new year, let's make it the BEST YEAR EVER!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jim said...Than you for the liberating reminders like this one about our clean slate. I am so thankful for all the ups & downs of 2006. The tremendous strengths I have been able to develop because of this OurGV opportunity are BIG reason to anticipate 2007 like no other time in my life.

Anonymous said...

Yes. With every failure. With every step. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, appreciate how the failures do make me grow, learn and move forward. 2007 will be awesome!!
Thank you.