Sunday, December 24, 2006

Chad Schapiro: Thankfulness for 2006

At the end of 2006 here it is necessary to look on the past and identify all of the great strides we have made forward. Many people wish they could time travel from a point of lack to a point of abundance. The reality is things don't work like that, so that just sets us up for disappointment and eventually wears down our commitment. We must celebrate and take great joy for the steps along the road. Many times they can seem and in reality are 3 steps forward and two steps back. However....We still move ahead and are on track for our goals. I've worked with people in their home business who were coming to the business with sooo much baggage that it took them years just to get back to the beginning point where most people would start. Then they made a few thousand, the next year a few more thousand, and then their income jumped by 10's of thousands, and eventually millions.

All paths are similar but different at the same time. They are similar in that they take great effort and a consistent relaxed intensity moving forward through all obstacles. They are different in the amounts of obstacles, the timing, and levels of prosperity. Sometimes these differences make us question our path because we know there is not an exact model that is set before us. The reality is there is the same model and in fact people have overcome more obstacles on their ways to accomplishing even greater things than we see in our future.

The main thing in changing from this shall we say victim mentality to one of victor is our gratitude and patience for all that comes our way. We need to keep that in mind most of all as this year comes to a close. Maybe you've been in business this year and invested 30k into your future with no return at all. Let's be thankful for all we've learned, the experience we've gained, and the foundation that is laid better for 2007 than was there in the beginning of 2006. That is what the people who will hit the home runs in 2007 will be focusing on. Be the greatest leader you know. Be the most positive person, the most optimistic person, the most patient person. Be the most grateful person you know and watch what happens in your world.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for you as a mentor and CEO Mr Schapiro. I am thankful for Ourgv as a vehicle and also my health. Thank you. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. You are amazing! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! appreciate all of that as I wind down the year...

Anonymous said...

Yes. I am sooo grateful from the bottom of my heart, for you, for this Opportunity, for every person and for every thing and every event in my life in this past year, and for all the life that apparently doesn't even touch me. But does. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!It has always been easy to find things to be grateful for but many many many times I've had to hunt for things to be optomistic of. I now realize I could have spent the time creating something to do both.