Friday, December 29, 2006

Chad Schapiro: HAPPY NEW YEAR

H ow far we've come and will continue to soar
A new year with its hopes and challenges
P lan thoroughly and be
P repared for growing stronger
Y ou will achieve the SUCCESS you're after

N o fear
E xpect the best
W ith commitment and persistence

Y earning for more out of yourself
E xcellence
A im for nothing less than the Best you can
R ise up and shine, FOR THE GREATEST YEAR EVER!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you the Greatest Success Coach in Business. Amazing year 2006 has been. I am very excited for 2007. Thank you very MUCH!!!. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Thank you..It will be be the best ever!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! You are a poet. I am so certain that the results from 2007 will shock even you Mr Schapiro, that this is just wonderful. Thank you for another great year of tremendous coaching and the most fantastic leading by example that you gave us. Most tremendous example of leadership I have ever seen. I have been very privileged to work with some very very strong leaders, but I believe that I have never seen as much integrity, as much putting their money where their words are, as much doing what they are preaching, as much leading by example with the most absolute rigor, as with yourself. This creates tremendous respect and a certainty -as a follower- that we are being led to a great place. Just because of the Leadership "in the trenches", getting down and dirty, because you take the responsibility for other people's lives extremely seriously. I feel honoured to follow your lead and learn from you, and renew my committment to be that kind of a Leader more and more.

Anonymous said...

Jim said...What a wonderful year I had in 2006 because of OurGV. So 2007 is going to be collosal!!! Thank you Sir/Friend for all you have invested to make this awesome concept a reality for us all but especially for me!!! I'll love you forever & Thank God for you!!!