Thursday, May 25, 2006

Gold Nuggets

Why are some people more successful than others? When they are new they run from place to place so they can be rejected more often.

Top salespeson, what are you doing different than me? Process. Follow the recipe and you prepare the dish. Everything is learnable. Anybody can learn them. Each time you do it you get better at it. Wealthy people found and learn a skill and do it over and over. Notice the learn part, the recipe must be learned. Phase 1 is that first skill that must be learned. Sales management is totally a new recipe and can be more effective once someone has a proven track record of successful personal selling. The first time many recipes don't work more than likely the first 5 or 10 times. Sometimes years after the recipe still doesn't taste great. The fax machine took 6 or 7 years. Cell phones 5-7 years. Computers the world market will have a few units. New recipes aren't always easy and then people give up. People who get their recipe from someone successful have more patience because they know that it will taste good if they keep it up because they got the same recipe as the successful person has. Cause and effect. Put in the right causes and you'll get the right effects. Find out the formula, something that can be replicated. Something that a less intelligent person does can be massively successful if they get that replicated formula down.

Always hard and mistakes at beginning and then people question the formula. This is the price nature demands for success. But all successful people have failed tons of times where others that are failures have not failed that often and quit. People struggle and talk themselves right out of doing what's necessary. Successful people keep on failing forward. Failure is not an option. That attitude makes it much easier. Become unstoppable!! Are there people that have had greater obstacles than you?

Nobody is better or smarter than you. They just learned the cause and effect formulas and kept with it. Weight training....pumps blood into your muscles and breaks capillaries and they rebuild. That's the way we pound on ourselves and grow and become better. We have to be excited to get bruised a bit.

8.2 million millionaires in US almost all of them self-made most started with nothing and built businesses. The people who did inherit got it from someone who started with nothing. Going bankrupt in America with these people usually means they are patted on the back and what business are you going to start now?

Secrets of self-made millionaires
  1. Dream Big Dreams.
  2. Don't make a decision. A real decision. Through thick and thin. Shut the door behind you. Failure is not an option.
  3. We procrastinate. Vacation to someday I'll. Say "I am a millionaire" now make that come true.
  4. Goals
  5. Learning

Asking Bill Gate's what question would you ask a person to see their potential for massive success? 1. What country are you from? 2. What level of education?

Self-education is better than formal learning for a number of reasons. Everything you've learned is desired by you and directly related to the task at hand.

Eat the frog. First thing you do when you get up is eat a live frog. If you did that then you know that the worst thing possible that could happen to you that day is already over. The same way you should handle your priority list. The thing that matters the most. If you have to eat 2 frogs eat the ugliest one first. If you have to eat it don't sit there looking at it it only becomes harder. If we can't handle our priorities in the order they should be we will always end up working for someone else and being supervised by someone who makes us do it.

Top sales people have top self esteem. They like themselves so they aren't worried about others liking them. Since they like themselves they like others too. People buy from people they like and tell others to buy from you. Keep saying throughout the day "I like myself". Help others like themselves. Make them feel important, appreciated, thanked, don't argue with them. All top sales people are nice people and treat others well. It's a genuine expression of our self-esteem. We need to work our self-esteem like a working out. Hit our goals each day and we build our confidence and it builds our self-esteem.

Law of incremental improvement. Small steps to success. Be prepared to put in the time. To become very good at what you do you will need to be excellent at what you do. There is no high pay for average performance. Mastery takes 7 years and 10,000 hours of hard work typically on average. The more time you spend on your business the faster those hours add up in whatever you are doing. Accounting, dentistry, construction, selling, anything takes time to really put that time in to attain mastery. You'll be 7 years older than now either way. Where do you want to be at that time? Some of us have already been through years at our other fields that will help contribute to this one. We maybe only a short time away if we really focus on mastering success with our business.

Businesses go broke like a ship hitting a rock. They don't know the path. Nothing else.

Everybody sells all the time. Even getting your kids to go to bed is selling.

Maintenance reading is stuff like this and the daily trainings. Advanced trainings are necessary to improve us to the much higher levels.


Anonymous said...

Woow. This is really "golden" nuggets. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!This is almost too many "golden nuggets" to take in at one time. I know I will have to return and reread this again! They are too valuable to lose. Thank you for these "nuggets" of wisdom.