Sunday, May 28, 2006


I - Involve your audience. Ask Questions. Ask them to write things down. If they are looking down off of you it gives you a breathing space to keep control.

P- Prepare your audience. 1. The invitation, make sure it's benefit-rich. Why they should be there. 2. Touch them before you talk. Shake hands. 3. Incorporate a strong speaker intro. Edify them. 4. Open with a solid payoff.
3 p's: Purpose, process, payoff

R - Research and have a presentation arsenal. 1. Mental arsenal - Gather things around us. Retain those things. 2. Hard copy- things we keep in our possession that we can pull. Like a magazine article. Email. Legal pad. 3. Electronic - computer or pda. 4. Material or props. Give aways

E - Explain the "why". Use words like "because" and "so that". It helps us explain it.

S - State management- make sure we are in the right mental state, and they are as well. Types of audience members: Vacationers, prisoners, spectators, graduates (know it all's). We want them to be students.

E - Eliminating the unknowns: know the set up, who's going to be there, all the pieces of the presentation.

N - Know your audience-survey them. Discuss with others who know our audience. Ask them ?'s

T - tailor your presentation. Planned spontaneity. Be flexible and ready to adjust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim said, "This is priceless information. Thank you"