Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Mind of Einstein

1. He had a mastermind group. He would ask ?'s often, some of them making him seem naive in many ways. These ?'s helped him continue learning and discovering. Most people without the ?'s being asked are left with the answers they have already. Which is more naive?
Young people are not afraid to ask these ?'s but as we get older we have the same ?'s but we don't want to seem like we don't know the answers.
"I despise the man who marches to the rank and file because he has been given a large brain by mistake where a spinal cord would surely suffice."
"Great spirits have always encountered mediocrity from those humans who have honestly and courageously used their own intelligence." We are foolish if we try and rest on our own intelligence.

2. Do you ever have stress in your life? Einstein would have stress and he would get to the piano and play, or read a book. He would divert his mind a little bit and come up with the answer. Distract yourself a little bit taking your emotions off the problem. Any problem no matter how big or small would block his brain from the solution. Even a penny held in front of our eye can limit our vision, but if we pull it away and hold it out it does not effect us as much.

His math equation for success...SUCCESS = X + Y + Z....X=WORK ( He was a tireless worker spending day after day of 14+ hours working)....Y=PLAY (we all have our own versions of play)....Z=KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT (ask ?'s listen and don't talk...You can make more friends in 5 mins. By listening to them then in 5 yrs. Trying to get people to listen to you).

3. He was a funny man. Great sense of humor. He could find humor in any situation no matter how bad or tense things were getting.

100 scientists came out against him and things he did wrong and wrote a book about it...He said "If I was really wrong 1 scientist would have been enough".
His driver new his talk so well that they changed clothes at one of his speaking engagements and the driver gave the speech at the school on science matters pretending he was Einstein wearing his clothes while Einstein put on the drivers outfit.
He held up a baby that started screaming and crying, he said " You are the first person in years who has actually told me what you thought of me."

4. Analogy from a bicycle. In order to keep your balance in life you have to keep moving. When we take a spill we have to get up and keep going. All successful people make mistakes everyday because we are active and doing things everyday.

5. He treated everyone the same...Very nice. They are all people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wise man Einstein! great lessons. thank you!