Sunday, December 10, 2006


Clarity accounts for probably 80% of success and happiness. Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor. Thats why we say that Success is goals, and all else is commentary. People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. This is true everywhere and under all circumstances.

The Three Keys to High Achievement
You could even say that the three keys to high achievement are, Clarity, Clarity, Clarity, with regard to your goals. Your success in life will be largely determined by how clear you are about what it is you really, really want. Many of us can take our business to heights we've never dreamed if only we'd becoming clearer about this as a priority. Many times this gets surrounded with other hopes that water down and take valuable resources away from success in this area. Have you heard of the jack of all trades master of none? Many people think it's great to be spread out but the true masters in any area are truly focused, especially during the time of momentum creation.

Write and Rewrite Your Goals
The more you write and rewrite your goals and the more you think about them, the clearer you will become about them. The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to do more and more of the things that are consistent with achieving them. Meanwhile, you will do fewer and fewer of the things that don't help to get the things you really want. We have created a free site to help you in this area . Make sure to be consistent with this tool as it's the best in the world for helping people achieve their goals when implemented consistently with whole heart.

Seven Step Process for Achieving Goals
Here, once more, is the simple, seven-step process that you can use to achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before.
First, decide exactly what you want in each area of your life. Be specific! If you are reading this most likely you are involved in business. Most likely your goals should be centered primarily on this area of business with peripheral goals set up that help support this main one as you become a master. This focus is essential. The reason I felt so comfortable committing myself to my business goal first was realizing how the other goals would come together easier after this was accomplished correctly. It's hard to think time, money, and self-esteem would not benefit most of our other goals in some way.
Second, write it down, clearly and in detail, using the forms site is one of the greatest tools the world has ever seen;
Third, set a specific deadline. If it is a large goal, break it down into sub-deadlines and write them down in order. This is why we usually focus on daily, and really focused people have goals per hour;
Fourth, make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. As you think of new items, add them to your list;
Fifth, organize the items on your list into a plan by placing them in the proper sequence and priority;
Sixth, take action immediately on the most important thing you can do on your plan. This is very important!
Seventh, do something every day that moves you toward the attainment of one or more of your important goals.

Maintain the momentum! Join the Top 3%
Fewer than three percent of adults have written goals and plans that they work on every single day. When you sit down and write out your goals, you move yourself into the top 3% of people in our society. And you will soon start to get the same results that they do.

Review Your Goals Daily
Study and review your goals every day to be sure they are still your most important goals. You will find yourself adding goals to your list as time passes. You will also find yourself deleting goals that are no longer as important as you once thought. Whatever your goals are, plan them out thoroughly, on the forms site, and work on them every single day. This is the key to making your hopes and dreams a reality.


Anonymous said...

Ok. Perfect. I'll re do them with these in mind. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Incredible. I am going to rewrite mine again tonight. Thank you. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

This is so clear...helps me to redo mine!! thank you