What will keep you charging in your home business when you have a bad day?
Think about it. People in traditional businesses have two primary advantages over us affiliates:
#1) They have a lot of money invested; therefore, when they have a bad day, they are not likely to throw in the towel and quit. Sure they may think about it, but they will also think about the mortgage they have on their home, and the money they borrowed from friends and family members. This usually will keep them in their business even when someone returns the only product that they sold for the day or when they have to use their Visa to pay off MasterCard.
#2) They don’t have a job. That’s right, people who own their own traditional business usually don’t have a job to fall back on. They usually don’t say, “Well, I’m sick and tired of this stuff. I’m glad I got a job that is paying me $1,000 per week to fall back on.” Instead, they are out on a limb in an effort to make it happen. By the way, I once heard that on the limb is where the fruit is.
So what about you? You probably invested less than what it would cost for a week of rent in a restaurant with no food to get started in OurGV. And you probably still have a job, right? And if you don't have a job, most of your affiliates do, right? So what leverage can you have to help keep you charging full steam ahead when it seems like everything is going wrong?
Your Dream! That’s right, if your dream is big enough then the fear, rejection, embarrassment, and lack of home business know-how will not stop you. Instead, you will be empowered to keep charging ahead in the jungle so you can make it to the land of paradise. So find out what your Dream is and keep it in front of you when the going gets tough. You can use this technique to help keep your affiliates going too. When you’re sitting on the beaches of the world… You’ll be glad you did.
Growing people towards success. Your growth determines who you are. Who you are determines who you attract. Who you attract determines the success of your organization. CHAD SCHAPIRO
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
1. Whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than the past. Instead of worrying about who did what or who is to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Let the past take care of itself, and get your mind, your thoughts, your mental images on the future.
2. Whenever you're faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and reflecting on the problem. Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become more positive and constructive.
3. Assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge. Lloyd Conant said it this way: "You don't earn the right to solve big problems until you have solved the small ones." In other words, the bigger the gift, the greater the success you have coming, the bigger the problem you will receive and must surmount.
4. Assume that whatever situation you are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be successful. The situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you become better, to help you expand and grow. What good is it to think anything else?
5. In every challenge, look for a valuable lesson. Assume that every setback contains a lesson that is essential for you to learn. Only when you learn this lesson will you be smart enough and wise enough to go on and achieve the big goals that you have set for yourself. Again, since you can think about only one thing at a time, if you are busy looking for the lesson, you cannot simultaneously think about the difficulty or the obstacle. You will always find the lesson if you look for it.
2. Whenever you're faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and reflecting on the problem. Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become more positive and constructive.
3. Assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge. Lloyd Conant said it this way: "You don't earn the right to solve big problems until you have solved the small ones." In other words, the bigger the gift, the greater the success you have coming, the bigger the problem you will receive and must surmount.
4. Assume that whatever situation you are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be successful. The situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you become better, to help you expand and grow. What good is it to think anything else?
5. In every challenge, look for a valuable lesson. Assume that every setback contains a lesson that is essential for you to learn. Only when you learn this lesson will you be smart enough and wise enough to go on and achieve the big goals that you have set for yourself. Again, since you can think about only one thing at a time, if you are busy looking for the lesson, you cannot simultaneously think about the difficulty or the obstacle. You will always find the lesson if you look for it.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Winning Edge Concept
One of the most important concepts ever discovered in business is called the "winning edge concept." This concept or principle, states that, "small differences in ability can translate into enormous differences in results." What it means is that if you become just a little bit better in certain critical areas of selling, it can translate into enormous increases in sales. In fact, you may be on the verge of a major step forward in your sales results at this very moment just by learning and practicing something new and different to what you have done before.
If a horse comes in first by a nose, it wins ten times the prize money of the horse that comes in second, even though the difference is only a nose, or perhaps a couple of inches, in a photo finish.
If a horse comes in first by a nose, it wins ten times the prize money of the horse that comes in second, even though the difference is only a nose, or perhaps a couple of inches, in a photo finish.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Chad Schapiro: RESOLVE
Trying is failing with honor. Either do it or don't do it.
It is not enough just to have affirmations in our lives. We need for them to become affirmitive realizations through right action. What are you doing now in order to make your desired goal come true.
You may feel attacked on your way up. Mediocrity always attacks excellence. Celebrate others good as if it was your own good. That celebration helps attract more into your lives. It becomes a gift for you in your life.
Resolve says, "I will."
The mountain climber says, "I will climb the mountain. They've told me it's too high, it's too far, it's too steep, it's too rocky, it's too difficult. But it's my mountain. I will climb it. You'll soon see me waving from the top or you'll never see me, because unless I reach the peak, I'm not coming back." Who can argue with such resolve?When confronted with such iron-will determination, I can see Time, Fate and Circumstance calling a quick conference and deciding, "We might as well let him have his dream. He's said he's going to get there or die trying."
The best definition for "resolve" I've ever heard came from a schoolgirl in Foster City, California. I asked, "Who can tell me what "resolve" means?" Several hands went up, and I did get some pretty good definitions. But the last was the best. A shy girl from the back of the room got up and said with quiet intensity, "I think resolve means promising yourself you will never give up." That's it! That's the best definition I've ever heard: PROMISE YOURSELF YOU'LL NEVER GIVE UP.
Think about it! How long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give the average baby before you say, "That's it, you've had your chance"? You say that's crazy? Of course it is. Any mother would say, "My baby is going to keep trying until he learns how to walk!" No wonder everyone walks.There is a vital lesson in this. Ask yourself, "How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?" I suggest you answer, "As long as it takes."
It is not enough just to have affirmations in our lives. We need for them to become affirmitive realizations through right action. What are you doing now in order to make your desired goal come true.
You may feel attacked on your way up. Mediocrity always attacks excellence. Celebrate others good as if it was your own good. That celebration helps attract more into your lives. It becomes a gift for you in your life.
Resolve says, "I will."
The mountain climber says, "I will climb the mountain. They've told me it's too high, it's too far, it's too steep, it's too rocky, it's too difficult. But it's my mountain. I will climb it. You'll soon see me waving from the top or you'll never see me, because unless I reach the peak, I'm not coming back." Who can argue with such resolve?When confronted with such iron-will determination, I can see Time, Fate and Circumstance calling a quick conference and deciding, "We might as well let him have his dream. He's said he's going to get there or die trying."
The best definition for "resolve" I've ever heard came from a schoolgirl in Foster City, California. I asked, "Who can tell me what "resolve" means?" Several hands went up, and I did get some pretty good definitions. But the last was the best. A shy girl from the back of the room got up and said with quiet intensity, "I think resolve means promising yourself you will never give up." That's it! That's the best definition I've ever heard: PROMISE YOURSELF YOU'LL NEVER GIVE UP.
Think about it! How long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give the average baby before you say, "That's it, you've had your chance"? You say that's crazy? Of course it is. Any mother would say, "My baby is going to keep trying until he learns how to walk!" No wonder everyone walks.There is a vital lesson in this. Ask yourself, "How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?" I suggest you answer, "As long as it takes."
Chad Schapiro: Stay Positive
You ever feel like sometimes things are going smoothly in your life then all of a sudden things hit a down swing. People like Mike Tyson, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, they all were at the top of their game and then self-destructed. Anyone and everyone of us can do this and most likely has done it. The seed is there of self-destruction the key is not letting it grow.
Tips to not self-destructing:
1. Focus on the good!!! Not that there isn't ever bad. There will always be things we don't like or wish could be better. The key is to not focus on those things which only depress us more but rather focus on every little incredible thing we could be celebrating. That attracts those good things and more to our lives. Have you ever seen me do a presentation and have people ask wierd things? People leave? I could sit there and focus on why they aren't getting it, why they left and what I must have said to turn them away from the greatest business ever. Or rather I could focus on all the incredible people that are getting it and making gigantic strides to changing their lives for the better and helping millions of others. Which sounds more fun?
2. Think on the good!! What you focus on will turn into what you think about. Learning and growing with good nutrients. Taking in all the good we can so we train our thoughts.
3. Talk about good stuff!! Focus + thoughts + words = experience The more we share and spread good things the more they will come back to us. The more we are showing our thoughts are good. Have you ever seen a child mimic their surroundings?
The roller coaster of life happens. Don't get stuck focusing on the downtimes. If you really want them to change focus sooner and more intently on what you see above. Don't get mad at the plant for not showing you the fruit faster. Soon enough you will be on the other side when you are suppoesed to be and things will not seem as bad as they did before. Focus on those good things in your life and you will notice the downswings less. Focus on the good things in life and you may look at the downtimes as the beautiful gifts they are, in helping mold and shape you to be a better person and leader.
Tips to not self-destructing:
1. Focus on the good!!! Not that there isn't ever bad. There will always be things we don't like or wish could be better. The key is to not focus on those things which only depress us more but rather focus on every little incredible thing we could be celebrating. That attracts those good things and more to our lives. Have you ever seen me do a presentation and have people ask wierd things? People leave? I could sit there and focus on why they aren't getting it, why they left and what I must have said to turn them away from the greatest business ever. Or rather I could focus on all the incredible people that are getting it and making gigantic strides to changing their lives for the better and helping millions of others. Which sounds more fun?
2. Think on the good!! What you focus on will turn into what you think about. Learning and growing with good nutrients. Taking in all the good we can so we train our thoughts.
3. Talk about good stuff!! Focus + thoughts + words = experience The more we share and spread good things the more they will come back to us. The more we are showing our thoughts are good. Have you ever seen a child mimic their surroundings?
The roller coaster of life happens. Don't get stuck focusing on the downtimes. If you really want them to change focus sooner and more intently on what you see above. Don't get mad at the plant for not showing you the fruit faster. Soon enough you will be on the other side when you are suppoesed to be and things will not seem as bad as they did before. Focus on those good things in your life and you will notice the downswings less. Focus on the good things in life and you may look at the downtimes as the beautiful gifts they are, in helping mold and shape you to be a better person and leader.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Be What You Desire
Sometimes who we want to be and what we want to do are easy to think about, but harder to evolve into.
Remember this simple rule: Being and doing creates having.
Be an living example of the person you'd like to be.
Being starts with simply being that which you would like to become. Once you mediate and hold the belief within yourself that you are what you would like to be, you start becoming that very thing, from the inside out!
Living out what you would like to become transforms you. You already hold the traits within you that you would like to become. In fact, it wouldn't be possible to envision this new "person" you would like to be if you weren't actually able to achieve that very vision. Allow yourself to feel it. And allow yourself to believe it.
Goals are a preview of future events and experiences in your life. That is why we spend so much time on it. Laying out what we want our long term lives to look like and narrowing down the focus as tight as we can get it to daily and hourly goals. Remember the goals you have down are attainable. You will feel sometimes like you are not sure if you can acheive them however that is part of what is holding you back and not the reality of any situation. Everyone that has acheived their goals had to weed out those thoughts of doubt as well. They had to persevere in tought times, when all seemed doubtful and hopeless. Weed them out faster so you can rise faster!!
Make a list of everything you would like to be and do. Then, over the next few days, for each item on your list, take a few minutes and sit with each thought. Meditate on how you would feel being that person in that very place, having turned that vision into reality. Don't let any negative thought patterns or limiting talk (i.e. "you can't possibly be that!") force you to back down from envisioning this person you want to be. Just be still and let that thought warm you.
Then, as you hone in on that person you wish to be, ask yourself what practice or trait you can consciously incorporate that further embodies this "future person" into your reality today. That is the key. Don't just think about what you "want" your future to look like, "who" will you become inorder to attain those results. What kind of disciplines, happiness, attractiveness, etc...will you have within to manifest the result externally in your world.
Remember this simple rule: Being and doing creates having.
Be an living example of the person you'd like to be.
Being starts with simply being that which you would like to become. Once you mediate and hold the belief within yourself that you are what you would like to be, you start becoming that very thing, from the inside out!
Living out what you would like to become transforms you. You already hold the traits within you that you would like to become. In fact, it wouldn't be possible to envision this new "person" you would like to be if you weren't actually able to achieve that very vision. Allow yourself to feel it. And allow yourself to believe it.
Goals are a preview of future events and experiences in your life. That is why we spend so much time on it. Laying out what we want our long term lives to look like and narrowing down the focus as tight as we can get it to daily and hourly goals. Remember the goals you have down are attainable. You will feel sometimes like you are not sure if you can acheive them however that is part of what is holding you back and not the reality of any situation. Everyone that has acheived their goals had to weed out those thoughts of doubt as well. They had to persevere in tought times, when all seemed doubtful and hopeless. Weed them out faster so you can rise faster!!
Make a list of everything you would like to be and do. Then, over the next few days, for each item on your list, take a few minutes and sit with each thought. Meditate on how you would feel being that person in that very place, having turned that vision into reality. Don't let any negative thought patterns or limiting talk (i.e. "you can't possibly be that!") force you to back down from envisioning this person you want to be. Just be still and let that thought warm you.
Then, as you hone in on that person you wish to be, ask yourself what practice or trait you can consciously incorporate that further embodies this "future person" into your reality today. That is the key. Don't just think about what you "want" your future to look like, "who" will you become inorder to attain those results. What kind of disciplines, happiness, attractiveness, etc...will you have within to manifest the result externally in your world.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Chad Schapiro: IT'S YOUR CHOICE
What is it you really want? Unfortunately, so many people haven't dreamed in so long they actually don't even know what they want any longer! You have got to stir up that dream inside of yourself. Your dreams and your destiny aren't determined by "CHANCE" but by "CHOICE"!
Most of us live life like a leaf floating down the river. Tossing and turning whichever way the current might take us. When we come close the water fall we finally take notice that we are going to crash and quickly start back paddling trying to change our fate. You are in control! It is your life!
You can have anything in life you want... if you know what you want! Do you remember in Alice in Wonderland, Alice asked the cat, "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" The cat answered, "That depends a great deal on where you want to go." Alice said, "Oh, I don't much care." He answered, "Then it really doesn't matter which way you go."
Which way do you want your life to go? What do you want? It's your choice! Quit blaming others for your disappointments! Make a quality decision to get up... and get going! Life goes on!
Renew your personal commitment to "Life". Renew your dreams. Renew your vision. Don't let time, circumstance, or catastrophe keep you from turning your life around. It's your choice!
You absolutely have to have a vision! Helen Keller once said..."The only thing worse than not having sight is not having vision."
Ancient scripture says... Without a vision the people perish! In Eby English, you'll shrivel up and die without a vision! If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?
Your vision must be effective, clear, challenging and inspiring to be valid.
Where are you going? Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Never let anybody steal your dream or vision!
Life's results are not by chance... but by choice!
What is your vision? Are you paying the price that it calls for?
Most of us live life like a leaf floating down the river. Tossing and turning whichever way the current might take us. When we come close the water fall we finally take notice that we are going to crash and quickly start back paddling trying to change our fate. You are in control! It is your life!
You can have anything in life you want... if you know what you want! Do you remember in Alice in Wonderland, Alice asked the cat, "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" The cat answered, "That depends a great deal on where you want to go." Alice said, "Oh, I don't much care." He answered, "Then it really doesn't matter which way you go."
Which way do you want your life to go? What do you want? It's your choice! Quit blaming others for your disappointments! Make a quality decision to get up... and get going! Life goes on!
Renew your personal commitment to "Life". Renew your dreams. Renew your vision. Don't let time, circumstance, or catastrophe keep you from turning your life around. It's your choice!
You absolutely have to have a vision! Helen Keller once said..."The only thing worse than not having sight is not having vision."
Ancient scripture says... Without a vision the people perish! In Eby English, you'll shrivel up and die without a vision! If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?
Your vision must be effective, clear, challenging and inspiring to be valid.
Where are you going? Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Never let anybody steal your dream or vision!
Life's results are not by chance... but by choice!
What is your vision? Are you paying the price that it calls for?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Focus on what's beautiful
Thoughts, feelings, and actions all have to be moving forward to attain the results. Many of us have heard that "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS" but we have to act relentlessly on those feelings and thoughts in order to produce a result.
To create a new result in our life we have to be grateful for what we already have. Appreciate what is there now which helps attract more of those good things into our lives. So many of us focus on what is wrong with our lives now, and what we would desire for our futures. That makes us feel worse often about our current situation.
Your thoughts are like placing an order at a restaurant. What you order is what you will get back. Often we have unconscious fears and doubts that are dominating our thoughts. Our unconscious can be trained by controlling our conscious thoughts. This is where being grateful, which we all know we can be, is the key for us training our unconscious.
How are you doing? You can't say you are hanging in there or something borderline negative. Make sure you are telling yourself and others that you are doing amazing. You are doing amazing because you are focusing on the things you have to be grateful for in life.
Much of this gratefulness in attained from learning how to forgive. From not carrying the resentment of past hurts with us each day. Those feelings help bring us down and then we attract more down things into our lives. True forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been different. We need to truly be able to say, "thank you for giving me that experience and making me who I am today, that is now a gift that allows me to help others." There are hidden gifts all the time that we can find and focus on. What is this stress here to teach me? Forgive and give thanks for the growth opportunity. Once we forgive them and go on with our lives we are free to focus on what we can be grateful for. We want to get certain things in life but still keep our old stuff. We have to let go to create the space for the new.
I am the first example of how the world is supposed to love me. We need to love ourselves first. We teach others how to treat us. We need to show up understanding our greatness so the world knows who we are.
Even losing weight we should be thankful for the working parts of our health. How does that feel? Our goal is to become more healthy and whole, focusing on that will bring more of it into our lives. Do you have the right to be healthy, successful, etc...? I choose today to give myself the best life ever!!!!! How can I serve? Visualization board of pictures you want your life to look like, a gratitude journal to remind yourself of how much you have to be thankful for...These are some tools.
To create a new result in our life we have to be grateful for what we already have. Appreciate what is there now which helps attract more of those good things into our lives. So many of us focus on what is wrong with our lives now, and what we would desire for our futures. That makes us feel worse often about our current situation.
Your thoughts are like placing an order at a restaurant. What you order is what you will get back. Often we have unconscious fears and doubts that are dominating our thoughts. Our unconscious can be trained by controlling our conscious thoughts. This is where being grateful, which we all know we can be, is the key for us training our unconscious.
How are you doing? You can't say you are hanging in there or something borderline negative. Make sure you are telling yourself and others that you are doing amazing. You are doing amazing because you are focusing on the things you have to be grateful for in life.
Much of this gratefulness in attained from learning how to forgive. From not carrying the resentment of past hurts with us each day. Those feelings help bring us down and then we attract more down things into our lives. True forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been different. We need to truly be able to say, "thank you for giving me that experience and making me who I am today, that is now a gift that allows me to help others." There are hidden gifts all the time that we can find and focus on. What is this stress here to teach me? Forgive and give thanks for the growth opportunity. Once we forgive them and go on with our lives we are free to focus on what we can be grateful for. We want to get certain things in life but still keep our old stuff. We have to let go to create the space for the new.
I am the first example of how the world is supposed to love me. We need to love ourselves first. We teach others how to treat us. We need to show up understanding our greatness so the world knows who we are.
Even losing weight we should be thankful for the working parts of our health. How does that feel? Our goal is to become more healthy and whole, focusing on that will bring more of it into our lives. Do you have the right to be healthy, successful, etc...? I choose today to give myself the best life ever!!!!! How can I serve? Visualization board of pictures you want your life to look like, a gratitude journal to remind yourself of how much you have to be thankful for...These are some tools.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Resentment
Is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die...It only hurts the person who is taking it into their mind.
Chad Schapiro: The Power Of One
The Power of One
• The external problem is rarely the problem
• Take responsibility for your buttons
• Don't give others the power to control your feelings
• Don't look to others to make you happy
• Become the CEO of your life
• Forgiveness heals relationships
• The external problem is rarely the problem
• Take responsibility for your buttons
• Don't give others the power to control your feelings
• Don't look to others to make you happy
• Become the CEO of your life
• Forgiveness heals relationships
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Chad Schapiro: THE D WORD
I got what I consider to be a high compliment from a friend of mine who told me I was very disciplined. And I guess it fits — over the years I've come to the conclusion that the old saying is true: Either I pay the price of discipline or the price of regret.
This was not a sudden revelation — it occurred over time. And it wasn't always the case — in the past I was a pretty "normal" guy who just went along in life, neither excelling nor failing, just getting by. But this way of living was eating away at me — I asked myself, "Why is it that a lot of people are way ahead of me in life when I am at least as smart and talented as they are?" And it dawned on me that these people had decided where they wanted to go in life, and then developed the discipline to get there, whereas I had not decided where I wanted to go, which led me to where I was at the time ... NOWHERE.
I became more disciplined in my focus, studying, health, gratefulness, and giving. All of these are planned out in my goals that make up my life on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and lifetime basis. This has not always been easy nor my natural way of doing things. But I'm sure glad to be SOMEWHERE THAN NOWHERE!!
I guess it boils down to not fearing the "D" word — I mistakenly thought that being disciplined would mean I would have to force myself to do things I hated to do, rather than enjoying them. And that came from a fear of the "C" word — Commitment. At some point it dawned on me that I was afraid to commit because I thought that if I made a commitment, I'd be trapped. What I came to realize is that I was trapped by my lack of commitment — once I got clear on what I wanted, and decided to do what it takes to get it, I was free.
That clarity also allowed me the assertiveness to say NO to anything that didn't fit with my purpose and say YES to everything that did. This turned "Discipline" into a couple of other "D" words: Determination and Dedication — qualities that I needed to be a winner in the game of life. Having lived on both sides of the fence, there's NO WAY I'd go back. Make sense?
This was not a sudden revelation — it occurred over time. And it wasn't always the case — in the past I was a pretty "normal" guy who just went along in life, neither excelling nor failing, just getting by. But this way of living was eating away at me — I asked myself, "Why is it that a lot of people are way ahead of me in life when I am at least as smart and talented as they are?" And it dawned on me that these people had decided where they wanted to go in life, and then developed the discipline to get there, whereas I had not decided where I wanted to go, which led me to where I was at the time ... NOWHERE.
I became more disciplined in my focus, studying, health, gratefulness, and giving. All of these are planned out in my goals that make up my life on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and lifetime basis. This has not always been easy nor my natural way of doing things. But I'm sure glad to be SOMEWHERE THAN NOWHERE!!
I guess it boils down to not fearing the "D" word — I mistakenly thought that being disciplined would mean I would have to force myself to do things I hated to do, rather than enjoying them. And that came from a fear of the "C" word — Commitment. At some point it dawned on me that I was afraid to commit because I thought that if I made a commitment, I'd be trapped. What I came to realize is that I was trapped by my lack of commitment — once I got clear on what I wanted, and decided to do what it takes to get it, I was free.
That clarity also allowed me the assertiveness to say NO to anything that didn't fit with my purpose and say YES to everything that did. This turned "Discipline" into a couple of other "D" words: Determination and Dedication — qualities that I needed to be a winner in the game of life. Having lived on both sides of the fence, there's NO WAY I'd go back. Make sense?
Chad Schapiro: What does it take to win?

This is an article about the Indianapolis Colts and their main player Peyton Manning. Many years ago they weren't sure whether to add Peyton to the team or take a different player. They both had incredible physical skills, but something else separated them. One is a Super Bowl MVP, the other does not even play anymore.
Talk about making the right personnel decisions. Moore talked at the Super Bowl about how tough the Colts' decision was whether to take Ryan Leaf of Washington State or Peyton Manning of Tennessee with their first draft choice in 1999. The scouting services had Leaf ranked No. 1. "Well, you know, we worked both of them out. We went down to Knoxville and worked Peyton out and went to Pullman, Washington, or Washington State actually, where Ryan Leaf went to school," Moore said. "Bill Polian [team general manager] made the right decision, and we're very, very fortunate and very, very happy."
Leaf was drafted by San Diego and was out of football after four years and virtually no success.
Moore joined the Colts staff the year that Manning was drafted so he has been with the star quarterback from day one.
Asked about the key to Manning's success, Moore said: "Well, I think it's, No. 1, his great ability, but he takes that ability to another level with his dedication, with his work ethic. You know he's constantly trying to improve himself, to get better. He's really never satisfied, so he continues to work."
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Become A Top Performer
Top performers have an excellent work ethic and focus. In sports, if you were to ask, who in their respective sport has been a dominant figure, three immediately come to my mind - Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretsky. Beyond their remarkable ability and talent, there is also something about these three that help propel them into greatness - their fierce drive to be their personal best and their incredible work ethic. How do you beat the most talented person in the world when they will also out work you and have a "will to win" that is not to be exceeded? Well, the same is true in business. The top performers do not get complacent. They do not rest on their past success. And they don't decide that because they are doing well or are on top that that is good enough. Their work ethic and drive to be their personal best has allowed previous victories and momentum to carry over into more success (even in difficult times).
These individuals have made a commitment to succeed. Making a decision is the prerequisite to all successes. All good things are upstream, but the natural tendency is downstream. Commitment creates the mindset that allows us to face challenges, shut out negative circumstances and discomfort and then move upstream towards our goals.
These individuals have made a commitment to succeed. Making a decision is the prerequisite to all successes. All good things are upstream, but the natural tendency is downstream. Commitment creates the mindset that allows us to face challenges, shut out negative circumstances and discomfort and then move upstream towards our goals.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Keys To Victory!!
• THINK about what you THINK ABOUT… and if you catch yourself thinking about unhappiness, ill health and adversity, "change the channel" and think about what you want to happen!
• When something happens by chance, follow up. Lucky people tend to notice and act on good things that occur by happenstance.
• Believe that good things will happen. Expectations have a way of coming true.
• When bad things happen, look for the bright side; i.e., "what did I learn from that?" or, "how do I keep it from happening again?" Don't dwell on it, move on!
• Don’t look for love in the wrong places… not just romantic love, but the love of "stuff." Stuff is O.K., but understand the delusion of "I'll be happy when I have this or that… or, when I live over there, or when this happens." Happiness is a state of mind in which our thinking is pleasant most of the time.
• Failure is a CHOICE made by the undisciplined. Failing to meet your objectives, regardless of what they are, is a choice, because something else has been given higher priority. If you fail, it is because you choose to fail.
• You don't "catch" depression and you don't "catch" happiness…you "create" it by the "thoughts" you put into your mind. Carefully choose what you read, listen to, and the people with whom you associate.
• When something happens by chance, follow up. Lucky people tend to notice and act on good things that occur by happenstance.
• Believe that good things will happen. Expectations have a way of coming true.
• When bad things happen, look for the bright side; i.e., "what did I learn from that?" or, "how do I keep it from happening again?" Don't dwell on it, move on!
• Don’t look for love in the wrong places… not just romantic love, but the love of "stuff." Stuff is O.K., but understand the delusion of "I'll be happy when I have this or that… or, when I live over there, or when this happens." Happiness is a state of mind in which our thinking is pleasant most of the time.
• Failure is a CHOICE made by the undisciplined. Failing to meet your objectives, regardless of what they are, is a choice, because something else has been given higher priority. If you fail, it is because you choose to fail.
• You don't "catch" depression and you don't "catch" happiness…you "create" it by the "thoughts" you put into your mind. Carefully choose what you read, listen to, and the people with whom you associate.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Find The Right People
Our business is more about recruiting and sorting out people than most of us would think when we are new. People that are successful not only want to help people grow and change but they look for the people relentlessly that are open to doing just that! So many times I would frustrate myself because I would be trying to produce with people that were really not that serious. Instead of getting excited about recruiting and sorting I would be down on myself because the people weren't doing anything. Obviously recruiting and sorting was new to me and like most things there would be a learning curve of stress that I would have to go through as I became better. I learned to embrace that part of the business as the key to making my dreams come true. We need to find the horse that wants to not only be led to the water but wants to take a nice long drink.
You can't buy people with the right attitude or train them to have it, at least not without spending a lot and having a lot of difficulty. You have to start with people with great attitudes and then retain them. What is good attitude? It's simple. An attitude is not merely a mindset. The way we recognize good attitude is by what people say and do. A positive attitude is when people speak and act in a positive way. What does a positive way mean? It means to be pleasant, uplifting, smiling, engaging, conversant and affirmative in speech and tone and manner. Individuals with a positive attitude carry their own brightness with them, and people nearby feel fortunate to be in their presence because their light shines. Positive people move to fix problems; they meet changes head-on as opposed to running away from them. They take personal responsibility and focus on solutions, not excuses. They are accountable. They do their work and keep their word. They look for what needs to be done and can be done instead of complaining about what can't be done. They move to correct problems and eliminate obstacles to achieving solid performance. They take the hand they're dealt and rarely, if ever, moan, groan, cry, or complain about what they have to do. They play the cards they're dealt and play them well (as if they had the winning hand at all times). If they find themselves is an uncontrollable situation, they adapt. If they are in a controllable situation, they work with it and use it to their advantage. Finally, they always sense the difference between a problem and a mere inconvenience.
Make sure you are working on your attitude since we attract who we are not what we want. And embrace the search for these people. It is not everyone, and it does not need to be. You will get better with the search the more you relax and grow with it.
You can't buy people with the right attitude or train them to have it, at least not without spending a lot and having a lot of difficulty. You have to start with people with great attitudes and then retain them. What is good attitude? It's simple. An attitude is not merely a mindset. The way we recognize good attitude is by what people say and do. A positive attitude is when people speak and act in a positive way. What does a positive way mean? It means to be pleasant, uplifting, smiling, engaging, conversant and affirmative in speech and tone and manner. Individuals with a positive attitude carry their own brightness with them, and people nearby feel fortunate to be in their presence because their light shines. Positive people move to fix problems; they meet changes head-on as opposed to running away from them. They take personal responsibility and focus on solutions, not excuses. They are accountable. They do their work and keep their word. They look for what needs to be done and can be done instead of complaining about what can't be done. They move to correct problems and eliminate obstacles to achieving solid performance. They take the hand they're dealt and rarely, if ever, moan, groan, cry, or complain about what they have to do. They play the cards they're dealt and play them well (as if they had the winning hand at all times). If they find themselves is an uncontrollable situation, they adapt. If they are in a controllable situation, they work with it and use it to their advantage. Finally, they always sense the difference between a problem and a mere inconvenience.
Make sure you are working on your attitude since we attract who we are not what we want. And embrace the search for these people. It is not everyone, and it does not need to be. You will get better with the search the more you relax and grow with it.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Chad Schapiro: Create Value
There is ONE Word in OurGV that prospects seem to be glued to when they are listening to a presentation, or even an approach about anything regarding our business. It is the standard that all prospects measure anything they are looking at and they are considering working with the company.
The word is VALUE.
Remember this Success Formula...
No VALUE = No Volume
Volume will RARELY, if EVER, precede VALUE. And if it does, most of the time it will not work out long term. Value is a part of our life, and we must show value to the prospect in our Company, Cause, and Comp Plan.
No Value...No Volume, PERIOD.
Let me ask you a question: Would you buy a house that you saw no value in?
How about a car?
How about a thousand dollar suit?
Would you even buy a pair of shoes that you saw no value in?
I didn't think so. Neither would I.
And no one is going to be recruited, be a customer, refer you to a non-profit or anything that they see no value in for their life and future. It's ALL about Value.
People want to know what's in it for them. They want to know there is value for their lifestyle. Value in the Company, Cause, and Value in YOU.
Give the prospect REASONS and BENEFITS to be part of the team, or at least feel comfortable and confident in shopping and referring you to more prospects.
Is there value in shopping at one place and having thousands of stores, price comparison technology, special offers, a portion going to non-profits, saving money, convenience, etc...??? Is there value in helping a non-profit fundraise and supporting their mission statement? Is there value in working the business to create extra income, residual income, equity, higher income than they ever dreamed????
Remember: No Value = No Volume.
NO Exceptions.
The word is VALUE.
Remember this Success Formula...
No VALUE = No Volume
Volume will RARELY, if EVER, precede VALUE. And if it does, most of the time it will not work out long term. Value is a part of our life, and we must show value to the prospect in our Company, Cause, and Comp Plan.
No Value...No Volume, PERIOD.
Let me ask you a question: Would you buy a house that you saw no value in?
How about a car?
How about a thousand dollar suit?
Would you even buy a pair of shoes that you saw no value in?
I didn't think so. Neither would I.
And no one is going to be recruited, be a customer, refer you to a non-profit or anything that they see no value in for their life and future. It's ALL about Value.
People want to know what's in it for them. They want to know there is value for their lifestyle. Value in the Company, Cause, and Value in YOU.
Give the prospect REASONS and BENEFITS to be part of the team, or at least feel comfortable and confident in shopping and referring you to more prospects.
Is there value in shopping at one place and having thousands of stores, price comparison technology, special offers, a portion going to non-profits, saving money, convenience, etc...??? Is there value in helping a non-profit fundraise and supporting their mission statement? Is there value in working the business to create extra income, residual income, equity, higher income than they ever dreamed????
Remember: No Value = No Volume.
NO Exceptions.
Chad Schapiro: CEO Q and A from Forms site
Q: I am so new. i have 4 preffered affiliates , 1 coodirnator w/ a preffered affiliate and 10 free affiliates. i am so unsure about what i am supposed to be doing with them since i am just getting the hang of what i am supposed to be doing. what do i do with them?? how do i respond to thier questions? do they get the a2sucess e-mails like i do? from "in over my head" can you help??
A: Great questions. The answer is to plug them into the system. The videos, this forms site ( http://forms.myiworldlink.com ) with the checklist, the online live trainings, all of this is intended not only for you and I but for a simple system when we sign people up. Part of that checklist will be a place for them to put in their email address to receive coaching emails, as well as areas to actively get their own non-profits and affiliates involved. You will see some don't pay attention to the process. That is not something you are doing wrong but more of an indicator as to their focus, teachability, and commitment to their business.
The number one mistake most make is thinking because they have some people that they are done. Now is the time to lead by example the most. I use to sign up about 30 people a week sometimes and noticed that was more help to my team than anything I ever could teach them. I would bring into the company an average of $20,000 in actual money, which then lead the way for them to do the same. People are watching...they are waiting for us to "earn" money. They say they want to see us making money but we all know that will never happen if we don't produce results first. We have to lead the way and set the pace. Our people will do what we do or less and since they are behind they may not take action immediately because there is some lag till they get it like there was for each of us. With that in mind we have to advance faster and stronger personally to help them!!!
A: Great questions. The answer is to plug them into the system. The videos, this forms site ( http://forms.myiworldlink.com ) with the checklist, the online live trainings, all of this is intended not only for you and I but for a simple system when we sign people up. Part of that checklist will be a place for them to put in their email address to receive coaching emails, as well as areas to actively get their own non-profits and affiliates involved. You will see some don't pay attention to the process. That is not something you are doing wrong but more of an indicator as to their focus, teachability, and commitment to their business.
The number one mistake most make is thinking because they have some people that they are done. Now is the time to lead by example the most. I use to sign up about 30 people a week sometimes and noticed that was more help to my team than anything I ever could teach them. I would bring into the company an average of $20,000 in actual money, which then lead the way for them to do the same. People are watching...they are waiting for us to "earn" money. They say they want to see us making money but we all know that will never happen if we don't produce results first. We have to lead the way and set the pace. Our people will do what we do or less and since they are behind they may not take action immediately because there is some lag till they get it like there was for each of us. With that in mind we have to advance faster and stronger personally to help them!!!
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