Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Be What You Desire

Sometimes who we want to be and what we want to do are easy to think about, but harder to evolve into.

Remember this simple rule: Being and doing creates having.

Be an living example of the person you'd like to be.

Being starts with simply being that which you would like to become. Once you mediate and hold the belief within yourself that you are what you would like to be, you start becoming that very thing, from the inside out!

Living out what you would like to become transforms you. You already hold the traits within you that you would like to become. In fact, it wouldn't be possible to envision this new "person" you would like to be if you weren't actually able to achieve that very vision. Allow yourself to feel it. And allow yourself to believe it.

Goals are a preview of future events and experiences in your life. That is why we spend so much time on it. Laying out what we want our long term lives to look like and narrowing down the focus as tight as we can get it to daily and hourly goals. Remember the goals you have down are attainable. You will feel sometimes like you are not sure if you can acheive them however that is part of what is holding you back and not the reality of any situation. Everyone that has acheived their goals had to weed out those thoughts of doubt as well. They had to persevere in tought times, when all seemed doubtful and hopeless. Weed them out faster so you can rise faster!!

Make a list of everything you would like to be and do. Then, over the next few days, for each item on your list, take a few minutes and sit with each thought. Meditate on how you would feel being that person in that very place, having turned that vision into reality. Don't let any negative thought patterns or limiting talk (i.e. "you can't possibly be that!") force you to back down from envisioning this person you want to be. Just be still and let that thought warm you.

Then, as you hone in on that person you wish to be, ask yourself what practice or trait you can consciously incorporate that further embodies this "future person" into your reality today. That is the key. Don't just think about what you "want" your future to look like, "who" will you become inorder to attain those results. What kind of disciplines, happiness, attractiveness, etc...will you have within to manifest the result externally in your world.


Anonymous said...

Jim said..."Thank you for the instruction. As soon as I read it, I wrote my list on a blue card. This is so wonderful to be trained in these ways."

Anonymous said...

awesome. THANK YOU> MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for feeling already there. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank helpful to me to "zero" in the the details of my goals!

Anonymous said...

This is Great!!!!!! I am going to make my list and I will meditate and allow myself to feel each day..Thank you so much!