Sunday, February 04, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Find The Right People

Our business is more about recruiting and sorting out people than most of us would think when we are new. People that are successful not only want to help people grow and change but they look for the people relentlessly that are open to doing just that! So many times I would frustrate myself because I would be trying to produce with people that were really not that serious. Instead of getting excited about recruiting and sorting I would be down on myself because the people weren't doing anything. Obviously recruiting and sorting was new to me and like most things there would be a learning curve of stress that I would have to go through as I became better. I learned to embrace that part of the business as the key to making my dreams come true. We need to find the horse that wants to not only be led to the water but wants to take a nice long drink.

You can't buy people with the right attitude or train them to have it, at least not without spending a lot and having a lot of difficulty. You have to start with people with great attitudes and then retain them. What is good attitude? It's simple. An attitude is not merely a mindset. The way we recognize good attitude is by what people say and do. A positive attitude is when people speak and act in a positive way. What does a positive way mean? It means to be pleasant, uplifting, smiling, engaging, conversant and affirmative in speech and tone and manner. Individuals with a positive attitude carry their own brightness with them, and people nearby feel fortunate to be in their presence because their light shines. Positive people move to fix problems; they meet changes head-on as opposed to running away from them. They take personal responsibility and focus on solutions, not excuses. They are accountable. They do their work and keep their word. They look for what needs to be done and can be done instead of complaining about what can't be done. They move to correct problems and eliminate obstacles to achieving solid performance. They take the hand they're dealt and rarely, if ever, moan, groan, cry, or complain about what they have to do. They play the cards they're dealt and play them well (as if they had the winning hand at all times). If they find themselves is an uncontrollable situation, they adapt. If they are in a controllable situation, they work with it and use it to their advantage. Finally, they always sense the difference between a problem and a mere inconvenience.

Make sure you are working on your attitude since we attract who we are not what we want. And embrace the search for these people. It is not everyone, and it does not need to be. You will get better with the search the more you relax and grow with it.


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Jim said..."I don't think I've ever seen it so clearly described. Thank you so much. This is a gold mine...MINE!"