Monday, February 19, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Stay Positive

You ever feel like sometimes things are going smoothly in your life then all of a sudden things hit a down swing. People like Mike Tyson, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, they all were at the top of their game and then self-destructed. Anyone and everyone of us can do this and most likely has done it. The seed is there of self-destruction the key is not letting it grow.

Tips to not self-destructing:

1. Focus on the good!!! Not that there isn't ever bad. There will always be things we don't like or wish could be better. The key is to not focus on those things which only depress us more but rather focus on every little incredible thing we could be celebrating. That attracts those good things and more to our lives. Have you ever seen me do a presentation and have people ask wierd things? People leave? I could sit there and focus on why they aren't getting it, why they left and what I must have said to turn them away from the greatest business ever. Or rather I could focus on all the incredible people that are getting it and making gigantic strides to changing their lives for the better and helping millions of others. Which sounds more fun?

2. Think on the good!! What you focus on will turn into what you think about. Learning and growing with good nutrients. Taking in all the good we can so we train our thoughts.

3. Talk about good stuff!! Focus + thoughts + words = experience The more we share and spread good things the more they will come back to us. The more we are showing our thoughts are good. Have you ever seen a child mimic their surroundings?

The roller coaster of life happens. Don't get stuck focusing on the downtimes. If you really want them to change focus sooner and more intently on what you see above. Don't get mad at the plant for not showing you the fruit faster. Soon enough you will be on the other side when you are suppoesed to be and things will not seem as bad as they did before. Focus on those good things in your life and you will notice the downswings less. Focus on the good things in life and you may look at the downtimes as the beautiful gifts they are, in helping mold and shape you to be a better person and leader.


Anonymous said...

Jim said..."Good reminder. Thank you, Sir."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
