Sunday, February 11, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Focus on what's beautiful

Thoughts, feelings, and actions all have to be moving forward to attain the results. Many of us have heard that "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS" but we have to act relentlessly on those feelings and thoughts in order to produce a result.

To create a new result in our life we have to be grateful for what we already have. Appreciate what is there now which helps attract more of those good things into our lives. So many of us focus on what is wrong with our lives now, and what we would desire for our futures. That makes us feel worse often about our current situation.

Your thoughts are like placing an order at a restaurant. What you order is what you will get back. Often we have unconscious fears and doubts that are dominating our thoughts. Our unconscious can be trained by controlling our conscious thoughts. This is where being grateful, which we all know we can be, is the key for us training our unconscious.

How are you doing? You can't say you are hanging in there or something borderline negative. Make sure you are telling yourself and others that you are doing amazing. You are doing amazing because you are focusing on the things you have to be grateful for in life.

Much of this gratefulness in attained from learning how to forgive. From not carrying the resentment of past hurts with us each day. Those feelings help bring us down and then we attract more down things into our lives. True forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been different. We need to truly be able to say, "thank you for giving me that experience and making me who I am today, that is now a gift that allows me to help others." There are hidden gifts all the time that we can find and focus on. What is this stress here to teach me? Forgive and give thanks for the growth opportunity. Once we forgive them and go on with our lives we are free to focus on what we can be grateful for. We want to get certain things in life but still keep our old stuff. We have to let go to create the space for the new.

I am the first example of how the world is supposed to love me. We need to love ourselves first. We teach others how to treat us. We need to show up understanding our greatness so the world knows who we are.

Even losing weight we should be thankful for the working parts of our health. How does that feel? Our goal is to become more healthy and whole, focusing on that will bring more of it into our lives. Do you have the right to be healthy, successful, etc...? I choose today to give myself the best life ever!!!!! How can I serve? Visualization board of pictures you want your life to look like, a gratitude journal to remind yourself of how much you have to be thankful for...These are some tools.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for your leadership and friendship. Thank you sir. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Jim said..." Thank you for the reminders about forgiveness. I find that forgiving myself is my most constant excersize in forgiveness. After all that is the one person responsible for all the things in my life that I so dislike."

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!! So fortunate to have your leadership to bless our lives daily!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful. You are the Best!!!

Anonymous said...

Jim said..."Oh that is so rich! Saying that forgives means giving up the notion that the past could have been any better. To do so means that the real truth is in what else you said about being thankful for the special opportunity to grow because of it. Truly we do "grow" into our success. Every event in my life, large & small successes & failures, both the good & the not so good was a neccessary part to get me to right here where I am today. "

Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is a beautiful thing, thank you!