Saturday, March 10, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Allow Setbacks To Motivate You

Many times, we look at high achievers and assume they had a string of lucky breaks or made it without much effort. Usually, the opposite is true, and the so-called superstar had an incredibly rough time before he or she attained any lasting success.

The feelings of doubt, worry, lack, or any other negative helps create and maintain the problem. It may motivate you more toward your own goals to know that some of the most famous and well-known people in modern times had to overcome as difficult obstacles as anyone before they finally reached the top. It takes persistence and total commitment to your goals, but it's possible! In fact to not do it would be a disservice to who you really are!


Anonymous said...

I do feel that it would be a disservice. I have to fight the fight and forge ahead no matter what short term pain. I thank you for the movitation!!! it spurs me on. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

YES! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Thank you..they sure do that for me!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!! Will keep negative away so that I can remain positive committed, and motivated!

Anonymous said...

I just simply HAD to come back and read this one this evening....I WILL NOT LET NEGATIVE THINGS AFFECT MY BUSINESS. Thank you so much for this blog, Mr. Schapiro!