Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Enjoyment Is Between The Ears

I have been reminded that enjoyment does not come from any outside situation but rather inside ourselves.

One would think that spending time in Disney would be one of the most fun and exciting times in ones week, month, and perhaps year. It has become even more apparent to me that working with others to help them realize truly who they can be and how to reach their full potential is more fun than anything Mickey can provide.

It really is on the inside where all enjoyment starts and ends. Keep that in mind as you do your work. Don't look at it as "work" but rather an expression of yourself giving others the opportunity to change their lives. Look at this moment as you have control, not the outside. You can make this moment feel good, exciting, fullfilled. The same way you control the feeling of this moment you also control the next one and the one after that, and so on....

The key is putting as much happiness together as possible so that we can spread that love to the others around. When we have something in our possession and overflowing then we have ample enough to give to others, and soon realize it never depletes but only expands by giving it away. We sow the seed of hope and love to others and we will allow them to see the vision that much more. When they see the vision and they take action with you you will then reap the rewards. When these rewards come fully into play is not up for you to decide.

You only control this moment and where it rests is between your ears. Of course following this same advice I will enjoy Mickey more than any kid could!!


Anonymous said...

Amazing, I think that is why I love doing what we do. Thank you. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Yes! Great to hear from you Sir. Beautiful. Magnificent. And Yes! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir! You are so right I do enjoy what we are doing & the changing of peoples lives.It is not "WORK" it is helping & feeling needed at the same time.We are growing,feeling better about ourselves & others,growing pains are short ,but Happiness & LOVE& Positive Change is eternal.

Anonymous said...

Yes, so true ..Thank you!!