Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Chances are good that salespeople can close too soon for some of their potential clients. When and how to close the sale is a matter of instinct that's developed from experience.

When potential clients get a little uncomfortable and start to back off verbally or non-verbally (body language), here are the pressure-relieving words you need to say:
Phraseology: “Let me apologize, John. I didn't mean to push you. I know you may still have a lot of questions; however, you wouldn't have let me discuss (your product or service) with you to this point if you weren't at least somewhat interested, would you? (Pause briefly for a sign of their agreement.)
I may have covered the details a little fast, but we have agreed that (go back to a benefit summary, one that has been agreed upon thus far), haven't we?”

When you start to get “yes” responses, you have begun to rebuild the momentum carrying you to the final agreement. You can now gently go back into closing the sale. If you receive any negative responses during your benefit summary, you'll discover concerns that haven't been properly addressed. Handle them, and continue moving toward the final agreement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, great! thank you!