Thursday, February 16, 2006

Take Control

Most people overestimate where they can be in one year and underestimate what can be achieved in 10 years.

How am I going to live the next 10 years of my life? How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I am committed to? What am I going to stand for from now on? What's important to me now and will be in the long-term?

The difference in the results that people produce comes down to what they've done differently from others in the same situations. Different actions produce different results. If we want to direct our lives we must take control of our consistent actions.

What precedes and determines the actions we take? The power of our DECISIONS!!! Our decisions, not conditions, determine our destiny. Many people are interested in success but that is not a decision. There is a big difference between being interested in something and committed to it.

Set a standard for your life and don't slip below it. Make a decision now and it will change in an instant.

1 comment:

mezziG said...

I found this a great follow up to the post, 'Just do it'. Expecially liked the 4th paragraph and the idea that interest and committment are two very different things.