Thursday, February 16, 2006


When we really start to focus our energy on finding and creating a desired result we will start to see new patterns and strategies to make that desired result become a reality. Our brain has a part in it called the reticular activating system that helps sort our unnecessary stimuli. When something starts to become our focus it now kicks in this ras and we start to see it clearer and more often. Have you ever felt the itch of a bug crawling on you and then after started feeling them all over? These itches were always there but our ras was not focused on them till we saw the bug. Without the ras we would be overwhelmed with too many stimuli. This holds true for why when we start to focus on success we open the door to things that were unnoticed before.

These are some questions I asked myself on my way to success. How can I take immediate control of my life? What can I do today that will make a difference-that could help me and others to shape our destinies? How can I expand, learn, grow and share that knowledge with others in a meaningful and enjoyable way?

The sad thing is information is so available to us and we don't take advantage of using it. The average American that buys a book only 10% read past the first chapter.


Anonymous said...

Woow. I wish I had something inteligent to say as comments for now. But I wanted to make sure I said how appreciated all these articles are, how helpful, how true. And how appreciated you are for your relentless committment to coaching us to the top. There is no other way but to the top for me. Thank you!

mezziG said...

So, focus on what I want....If I focus I will find more and more ways to get there.