Thursday, February 16, 2006

To Make A Lasting Change

  1. Raise your standards. What do I demand of myself? All the things that I will no longer tolerate and accept. All the things that I aspire to become.
  2. Change your limiting beliefs. We can't only change the standards we must also change our beliefs to meet them. Beliefs tell us what we think is possible. We certainly can and will meet the new standards belief needs to be possible first.
  3. To attain our new standard we must change our strategy. Find a role model that is already doing it. Don't do what we think is the strategy but do what they think is the strategy. They are the one's who have done it so who should we model, us or them?

Many people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not good enough we must take action!!

Don't leave ourselves trying to control outside situations which we have no control over. We control the inside, our emotions and that is where we need to focus.

There is no quick fix.


Anonymous said...

Right! Woow... Thank you.

mezziG said...

These 3 steps are very important. It is step 2 that I will have trouble with. You have encouraged me to work on those three things. Thank you.