Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's the little things that matter

If you're on the river of life it's likely you are going to hit a few rocks. The key is when you do go aground, notice not "if", instead of beating yourself up for being such a failure remember there are no failures in life. Learn from the experience. Use whatever life gives you in the moment.

In order to succeed, you must have a long-term focus. Most of our problems like overeating, drinking, smoking, feeling overwhelmed and giving up on our dreams come from a short term focus. Success and failure are not overnight experiences. It's all the small decisions along the way that cause people to fail. Failure to follow-up, failure to take action, persist, manage our mental and emotional states. Failure to control what we focus on.

Conversely, success is the result of making small decisions, holding yourself to a higher standard, deciding to contribute, feeding your mind rather than allowing the environment to control you.


Anonymous said...

When I write this it does 3 things. It consolidates it for me by putting it in writing. It makes me visible and vulnerable to others that may read me which takes courage. It may allow someone else who reads it to realise how we can each use these invaluable tools and learn. The long term is such a relief! it makes the daily failures so non-dramatic, and so precious, bc if I look at them without the drama of "oh i failed" I can actually learn the precious intrinsec lesson. Man oh man. I used to resist writing on this. Didn't see the use. Thank you again for every tool, every stroke, every breath of wisdom and encouragement. Mr Schapiro you are so amazing.

mezziG said...

Long term is great. Thankyou for the perspective.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the visual perspective and encouragement. Blessings, Mark