Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Focused Action

Many times people spend countless amounts of energy but seem to not realize the results they envision. Like a magnifying glass when it is held still and focused it can create a beam of light that can start a fire. So can we when we realize our top priorities and focus on them. When you truly know where you should be headed, your priorities become clearer and your actions start to take on major significance towards your desired result.


When things come up in your business, which they will, follow this plan:
  1. Determine the validity of the need.
  2. Look for a leadership opportunity to be able to incorporate someone new. Your focus should be on only a few things and delegate the rest.
  3. Make sure to delegate to the right people.
  4. When bringing on new leaders make sure to publicly give credit to them. Build confidence and trust in them.

Many of us have heard before of the Pareto Principle. It states that 20% of your priorities will give you 80% of the production. In our business we need to focus on recruiting. If our desire is to help non-profits how many more could we help with 1,000 people in our team? If we want to earn money from shopping, wouldn't it be easier to have 1,000 business builders helping us find the customers? Many times because it's easier and possibly "sexier" we think we should focus on other things than going through the numbers necessary to find interested talented people to be in our team. The reality is that this effort is what the Pareto Principle reflects that our time focused on these activities will not lead to the 80% of our desired result. I did not love recruiting. In fact I was terrible at it in the beginning. I learned to love it because instead of focusing on the work I focused on the result. I then began to tie the work emotionally into the passion for the desired result. I soon loved to do the work. Everything works this way. For many new people they have not placed enough passion and enjoyment to reaching their goals and attaching that desire to the work necessary.


Anonymous said...

Woow. I just finished writing my goals, and now I read this... I love it. We are always receiving the lesson we are ready to learn. Like you always say: the teacher will appear when the student is ready. Thank you again for everything. Working now on my focus.

Anonymous said...

And now several days later, reading this same thing again, it feels entirely different, it falls into a deeper place in my conscience. How sometimes we -I- forget why we need to go back over and over to the same things, and peel the layers of the onion one by one, to get to ever deeper levels of ourselves. Thank you.

mezziG said...

Here's to focusing on what gets the results.