Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What controls our actions?

  1. Core beliefs and unconscious rules
  2. your life values
  3. your references
  4. the habitual questions that you ask yourself
  5. the emotional states you experience in each moment

We must overcome our fears of making the wrong decisions. No matter what decisions we make, be flexible, look at the consequences, learn from them, and use those lessons to make better decisions in the future.

Success is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is the result of experience, and experience is the result of bad judgment. Failing over and over again and reaping the benefit from all the experience. These seemingly bad experiences are sometimes the most important. When people succeed they relax and party when they fail they think and begin to make new distinctions that will help them grow further.

A role model or expert is essential because we can learn from someone else's mistakes and how to navigate the rapids that are sure to come.


Anonymous said...

This one is soo helpful. Thank you! I'm emailing my Team members this link.

Anonymous said...

This is helping me to begin to embrace failure and errors. When I can embrace failure and errors, it becomes easiere to embrace corrections, and welcome them as helpful hands to help me get better, rather than experiencing them as criticism or punishment. Thank you.

mezziG said...

Very simple and being given permission to make mistakes allows me to relax and continue the journey rather than to freeze in fear.