Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Power of Now

If you are going to jump up and down for every success, or drag yourself down in pity for every conceived failure we are going to ruin the power of now. When we can freely flow into the next presentation, learning from our past attempts that is when we are on top of our game. Many times our emotions taint the future outcomes that were sure to come if we just kept focused. It's almost like having 2 selves. 1. the instructor who is critiquing every shot good or bad and 2. the player who actually goes out and plays. There are plenty of times and ways to learn without us personally being dragged down by self 1 when we just need to be growing and doing with our self 2.

To produce at our best we must live every second in the present. Will we be learning things from past mistakes? Of course. But the moment we let our emotions control our future moments we are not advancing from these great lessons but slowing down our "flow" of natural progression forward to success.

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