Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Can a poor person become wealthy?

Of course! The unique combination of desire, planning, effort and perseverance will always work its magic. The question is not whether the formula for success will work, but rather whether the person will work the formula. That is the unknown variable. That is the challenge that confronts us all. We can all go from wherever we are to wherever we want to be. No dream is impossible provided we first have the courage to believe in it.


Anonymous said...

Getting Rich, Staying Healthy, and Becoming Successful!

It's time to live life to the fullest

It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life. To be out of balance. To forget about what truly matters to you.

If we don't consciously choose how we spend our time, we lose it to mundane tasks. Our own dreams never see the light of day.

Take Control, create goals, plan your goals with an outline, track them daily and "Start Living your Dreams".

We want to support you in making your life your own.

You have the strength inside of you to climb the highest mountains.

What do you want from yourself?

Find the motivation behind your goals. Tie them into a purpose and get started.


Anonymous said...

I have read your page here and yes you have some great things to say and promise but yes theres always a but in there..how does a person like me who lives on a very limited income barely scraping through each and every month financially how do i get to this success you speak so grandly of? I tried your program for a short while and all i saw was the only way to get more successful in your business was to pay out much more money for training and to upgrade my status by spending money i didnt have and couldnt put my hands on no matter how hard i tried...It may seem an easy thing to say invest a couple hundred dollars by a certain date and you will be advanced but what i did made no difference...the only thing that seemed to allow me to advance to higher paying levels was to pay out all this money that would have put me out of a home and without money for food or any other things necessary to live...so explain how this can work without my having to pay hundreds of dollars and by doing so was the only way to advance and even hope to make any money over what i had to spend...the scales just didnt balance...can you show me a way that they can??? because i do not think you can...thanks for reading this and i hope to receive an honest up front reply from you..

Anonymous said...

Thank you! If every human being believed this, knew this, as a universal truth, as a universal law, that applies to ANYTHING, absolutely anything, people would be freed from the slavery most of them live in. Because this means that in absolutely EVERY circumstance, no matter what, and for whoever it is, this formula for success WORKS. And that if we embrace it, and accept that it DOES work, for ANYone, in ANY circumstance, and at all times, then we are free! We have the key, to leave any undesired circumstance, to achieve any desired result, to go -as you say- from any given point to any other given point. And we decide what the second given point will be. Even things that most people consider impossible, ARE possible. It has been proven over and over again, throughout history, in every field, every thing that has been considered impossible by some people, or by a majority of people, someone, somewhere, has achieved, and therefore, proven possible. ANYTHING. Woow. Can you and I grasp this? Can we hear it? May your eyes be opening, may your ears be perking up, because you are actually "hearing" this. It is fantastic! because it is unlimitted. It is unlimitted what you and I can do, if we would only open our minds up to believe this true, tried and proven formula for success that is taught today to you and me. May we embrace it, and fly!!!! and by so doing, help others to embrace it to. And then enjoy seeing them fly. Thank you for this, another pearl of wisdom that you give us.

Anonymous said...

A poor person is a label. A label put on a magnificent being of Light and Love, a being that has been made "in the imae of god" if we quote religious texts, the actually most glorious piece of the entire creation in the entire universe, and in all of the universes. So, as such, it can be removed, and a different label can be put on this being, a successful person, a wealthy person, any label. Or we may just let go of the need of putting labels, and allow ourselves to go inside and live from the inner being, and become acquainted with who we really are, that magnificent being of Love and Light, the pure Love with Intelligence, that "child of god" or however we like to call it. I have never been very comfortable with labels that society likes to put on people, so I have always refused them, and became passionate about exploring other possibilities, where I would not be bound by the label that I accepted, but I would be free to explore what other options would I like to appropriate myself. Happy, free, loving, giving, wealthy, fun, are labels that have allowed me to go from despair and depression, and lack, and lack of money, to wealth. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that is true.Thank you for the reminder which give reenergized committment to the success!!

Anonymous said...

Jim said..."Oh what a powerful truth to ponder so deep that it permeates every part of my being! What a wonderful realization that I am privileged to experience this truth. YOU experienced it. YOU assisted many others to experience it. Then YOU believe it so much that you invest your own money, time & passion for all of us before you even knew any of us! I can NOT help but belive in it and in me and in such an unprecidented manifestation of Jesus and His own Perfect faith too in those of us yet to come. Thank you & Much love to you, Sir/Friend!"