Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Pay The Price

Growing as a leader is terrific because that means we are also growing in our effectiveness and earning ability. With that growth there is a price....

1. Leaders get tested at each stage of growth.

2. The leaders goal is to pass these tests as fast as possible.

3. The testing will always come before the leader gets to advance.

4 The advance is getting to a higher level of effectiveness. Each higher level will take sacrifice but it is nothing compared to what is gained.

As we go through these "tests" we are like a weight lifter that loses the fat and gains the muscle with each painful step forward. Through these steps we lose the old self, the self that condemns, questions, and carries a low self-esteem. And we become the glorious, confident, incredible person we were meant to be.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Great...

Anonymous said...

I FEEL That and I LIKE That. Thank you. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Jim said..."Thank God for the tests & for the grace to successfully deal with them as quickly & efficiently as I possibly can. And thank you for the heads-up so I am more able to understand, that's exactly what's going on."

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah... Thank you so much for describing, reminding, delivering, giving, us all these pearls. Love! the tests, thank you for the reminder. New level!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!