Friday, January 19, 2007

Chad Schapiro: Inch By Inch

The achievement of financial independence will require a tremendous number of small efforts on your part. To begin the process of accumulation, you must be disciplined and persistent. You must keep at it for a long, long time. Initially, you will see very little change or difference but gradually, your efforts will begin to bear fruit. You will begin to pull ahead of your peers. Your finances will improve and your debts will disappear. Your bank account will grow and your whole life will improve.

Notice the usage of the word "YOU". Most of us act like it's in someone else's hands. It's our life and it's up to us to grow and develop towards success.


Anonymous said...

I need the ownership daily. Thank you again. MarkMDC

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Yes, it is me and I too need the reminders for that responsibility to grown and be responsible for me!!

Anonymous said...

I will be reading this daily--Thank you Mr. Shapiro