Thursday, January 05, 2006


Most people think of charisma as something mystical almost undefineable. They think it comes at birth or not at all. This is not true. Charisma is the ability to draw people to you or your cause. Like skills and traits someone maybe more natural with charisma but this can be learned.
What makes someone charismatic?

  1. Confidence-poise and optimism as a powerful communicator.
  2. Conviction-know where you are going and speak straight from the heart.
  3. Connection-focus not on yourself but on others.
  4. Compassion-exude warmth and love.

How do we attain and have more charisma?

  1. Love life. Celebrate every small thing you can. Don't complain, even to yourself. Enjoy the journey, both the peaks and the valleys.
  2. Put a "10" on everyone's forehead. Expect the best of people and treat them well.
  3. Give people hope. Leaders are dealers of hope.
  4. Share yourself. Be vulnerable and real. Share your heart, wisdom, and resources.

1 comment:

mezziG said...

Well, I also thought that Charisma was something you had or didn't have. This is an exciting post.
