Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Horatio Alger-Ragged Dick 1867

Horatio Alger wrote Ragged Dick among others telling the stories with a poor boy makes good type from the streets of New York.

Whatever you do, you will be more successful if you do it with honesty, fairness, and to the best of your ability.

Make your own luck. Luck happens to those who greatly increase their chances of it happening.

Whatever you do, do it with your utmost. Even if you don't like it.

Become a reader. Be a saver but be generous.

Your future position depends mainly upon yourself, it will be high or low as you choose to make it.

Alcohol saps drive and erodes good character.

Strive for success not just for fortune but to gain a tenacity, discipline, frugality, and optimism. These are qualities that cannot be bought.

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