Friday, September 29, 2006

Change It

Whatever problem you seem to be encountering we need to change it around the same way. That problem is centered around our actions which are created ultimately by our beliefs and thinking. We have to change our old thinking, push the negative thoughts away. Replace them with good things by learning and focusing on new ideas. Once the beliefs are solid the right action must be put in to achieve the desired result. We need to take this action over and over so it becomes our new routine.

Many people focus in on a lot of different things. What is most important to you at this time? You may have to get rid of some good things in order to get your best.

People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed.


Anonymous said...

Thank you..working on that focus too!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Focus. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Change is an important thing and to focus the change into bettering ourselves is a great thing. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes--"FOCUS"
Thank you Mr. Shapiro!