Friday, September 01, 2006

Success is a process

We all have a desire to achieve some level of success. For some the desire is greater than the average person. Let's face it, everyone wants to be successful but very few are really willing to pay that price of W.E.I.T. (What Ever It Takes). There are people who buy a health club membership with all the hopes and wishes of getting into shape but never seem to make it through the doors even with paying monthly. We need to be different. We need to take a stand for our future and be people that DO not only wish. It is a posture that you take that states "I deserve to have it all."

Success is attainable to all, yet so few achieve it. Success is a habit and has no real secrets. It all starts with your belief system. Your belief system starts with how you feel about yourself. Your own personal self-esteem is the key ingredient to so much of your success. You must first adopt a personal positive self-image of yourself. In OurGV it is always going to be "YOU" and your second product is people. You are really marketing your confidence. This is why a positive self-image is so important, especially in your first conversation with your prospects. (You never get a second chance to make a first impression.)

Forgiving yourself, other in your past, past mistakes & failures are paramount in your early journey to success. A key point to remember here is that you attract to your reality who and what you are. When you are positive and feel good about you, you attract like-minded individuals. The same holds true if you are negative in your thought processes. Your thought processes will always determine your bank account of love. It is essential that you learn to forgive, let go, and let go of your past. Many people drag their past into their present, which stops them from ever having a clear vision of their future.

Have fun, go nuts. What do you have to lose by letting it all out? If you let it all out and struggle you'll feel like you failed, so you'll do less now and make sure you don't do well???? That doesn't make sense. Let it all hang out, fail and learn like I did so your best improves. Then one day you'll succeed and realize how far you've come from where you started.


Anonymous said...

Woow. I had just finished writing to you about that in my goals sheet. So magnificent. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

appreciate those thoughts..thank you

Anonymous said...

And this one! :)