Thursday, September 14, 2006


One of the great skills of a successful salesperson is their ability to concentrate. The Bible, one of the great success manuals, says, "No man can serve two masters." To be a success, one must be absobed by it, and devoted to it. He does best who eats, drinks, sleeps and lives success until it gets into his mind, heart and blood stream. Then it will overflow into his eyes, face, handshake, actions -- and wallet.

Rays of sunshine gently warm the earth. But concentrated through a magnifying glass, they can start a forest fire. Rain, spread over an entire city has little effect, but concentrate the rain in one place, and you have a powerful torrent, able to move anything in it's path. Likewise, a businessperson who becomes destracted by sidelines, errands, and trivial pursuits is of little effect compared to the one who learns to focus his efforts and actions.

The Bible says, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." When a homebusiness person "sees double," he gets into trouble, like the prize fighter who, after a bad licking, said, "Where I made my mistake was that I didn't knock him out in the first round when he was alone."

Success Tip: Supercharge your success with the power of a single purpose. Don't let distractions rob you of your concentration.


Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

thank you ..appreciate the words..keeps me focused!