Friday, September 01, 2006

Have Fun and Get It Done

No matter what the situation, no matter what the task, we should always do our best. We should do the best job we can possibly do. Why? Because what we do and how we do it speaks volumes about who we are.

Dedicate Yourself To Excellence No Matter What The SituationHave you ever had to do something you didn't want to do at work or at home and found yourself grumbling and pouting through the entire thing? It seemed as if the work would never get done.

The truth is, sometimes we all have to do things we don't want to do, all of us. But instead of complaining and being miserable make sure, no matter what you're doing, to have fun. The fact is that if something has to get done, it has to get done. And if we have to do it we have two choices - we can be the martyr (they're always fun to be around) and huff and puff through the whole thing asking "Why me?"- or we can decide to make everything a fun task and make a game out of it.

Take pride in everything that you do. People will notice your dedication to excellence, your contagious enthusiasm and your positive attitude. And even if they don't, you will feel better about yourself and your work.


Anonymous said...

What a good reminder to me. I think sometimes when we work from home it could be easy to think "no one knows" when really the excellence shows in our production..thank you

Anonymous said...

Jim said...This is for sure the most fun I could ever imagine in working. What a thrill to think that I am sorting through so many kinds of people in search of those few like me who are serious about learning winning for a living. Thank you the teaching.