Tuesday, August 08, 2006

9 presentation mistakes

Everyone is a public speaker. Although many of us have so many fears that are more comfortable than public speaking. All the world is a stage and open to ideas that can change lives. It's all about presenting, and in our case it's different than acting because people pay after the performance not before.

Women make their decisions of whether they like us or not in 17 seconds. Men it takes a little bit longer 35-40 seconds. Women can change their minds more likely than men in the first 5 minutes that's why it takes a little bit longer for men to make an initial judgment. This shows it has little to do with our professional knowledge. Dress within first 7 seconds everything else has to do with our presentation skills. We have a responsibility to share an entertaining magical presentation.

3 main things that separate top producers from average:
1. Psychological belief systems. Anyone can be successful. The question is do we have the consistency, will we keep up under pressure, and do it till we succeed.
2. Listening skills. Top producers grab all kind of incredible information than can be used later to help.
3. Persuasive communication skills. Martin Luther King Jr. And many others. No power point just heart. A little spice to their voices and presentation.

People only retain 50% when they stop listening to you it goes down another 10%, same thing after a couple hours, and then again the next day. That's why people say they want to think about it because they don't have the information retained any longer. We need people to take action when they've learned the information in the first place. When the temperature rises, when they have learned the most, we need to get them to take action.

9 presentations mistakes:
1. Winging it. Be prepared.

2. Presentations are far too informative rather than persuasive. People do that because there is no risk in just sharing information. We need to let loose and get our hearts into it. People will use information to not do it. We need to know right up front what are the biggest points for this specific person. That's what the questions are for at the beginning. Why should they work with us, what makes us the best, etc... We need those keys for them specifically. What are interests and hobbies of them that will connect us better.

3. Misusing the allotted time.

4. Not providing adequate support to bring to life your presentation.

5. Close the sale. Bring it home at the end. Like an attorney tying it all together at the end in an closing argument.

6. Boring. If you think you are boring you are.

7. Relying on visual aides. Make sure you are the one communicating, a site or power point can only compliment you not vice versa.

8. Distracting body language.

9. Being inappropriately dressed. Wear navy blue when possible. There have been studies done that that color out performs different colors when worn. For women black is also good, but for men that's more formal. Shoes and tie are judged often for men. Women notice most things about another woman. Conservative dress is best. Class has nothing to do with money. Carry yourself like you are on top of your best game!!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! what a good lesson! thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! Tremendous stuff.

Anonymous said...

Great To know. Amazing tips. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely awesome. Wish I would have read it SOONER.

Anonymous said...

I see now how close I am!
Thank you!