Monday, August 28, 2006


Winners focus on specifics while losers are a wandering vague generality. It really is that simple. We all have to start somewhere so don't take it personal but many of us are so loose with our mind that we want to defend our actions even when they've proven to not be enough for our goals we've set forth.

If you think about the focus of a laser what do you think? Pretty tight and concentrated, right? Able to do some amazing things. How many other methods of light are there? Quite a few that don't have nearly the power of a laser. We should not settle with the weaker strength when we know what our true capacity is.

Our daily goals must be set. We cannot tolerate any distractions from this plan. Most people do not set a plan, or if they do they try purposely to not make it them loose so they don't feel the pressure. Does that sound like someone who is really working on making themselves better?


Anonymous said...

This one Hits Home. I love it. IT makes up create accountabilty for our Success and Future. Thank you. Mark

Anonymous said...

I can relate here...since I have been more focused on daily goals and measuring has helped me grow to greater success..I know as I continue to narrow them down I will have even greater growth and results! Thank you..

Anonymous said...

This is good stuff. Thank you!