Thursday, July 20, 2006

Law of Leverage

Law of leverage-we are less likely to fail the more people we tell we are going to succeed. When we go on record and put ourselves on the hook.

The people helping us with our goals are doing more for our business currently than any person.

Picking dates drive the disciplines that secure our destiny.

Sharing those dates will help if we feel like we can't slide on those commitments. That accountability helps us follow through on all our goals and dreams. We need to value being around people that help us stay on task with our ambitions.

L-Love...What you are doing because it is helping your dreams. Don't just look at the act as something you must love but where accomplishing that act successfully will bring you to.

E-Equip...Gives you the tools to follow through on the commitments you've made.

V-View...View yourself as you can be. Treat people and yourself of what you will be in the future not what we are today. Leverage will help create these possibilities.

E-Embrace...Embrace the changes that are necessary to create the better results. If we don't change we will be where we are now but only later. Change is inevitable, approach, people, everything.

R-Reach your goals more regularly. Leverage will make those goals bigger and focused.

A-Analyze what's working and what's not.

G-Give up to go up. Make the sacrifices now to play later. Leverage keeps us going forward and sacrificing short term.

E-Engage in accountability. Show me who you frequent and I can tell you who you are.

Employ leverage in 3 areas:
1. To the goal sheets. Put these down so they are committed to you. Review these on a regular basis. Self-discipline yourself into thinking into acting instead of hoping your actions help your thinking. Make dates to follow through with your goals. A dream with a deadline put the right pressure on you to find a way to follow through instead of finding excuses.

2. Associate leverage. Ask for help from qualified people (your expert, spouse, close friends) who can hold you accountable. True help holds you accountable for actions outside of your comfort zone. This has been known to change lives when implemented and embraced over time.

3. Professional leverage. When the top of the company helps you with your accountability. Don't just wait to stumble into these relationships seek them out.

This all begins with you. When do you want to make these changes? When do you want to not only think or talk about things but do them? We need to take action and make ourselves vulnerable in ways that help us learn and grow. Create the goals with dates, partner these ideas with people that will hold us accountable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This was very timely! It's an excellent reminder!