Wednesday, July 12, 2006


What fuels passion?
Find their goals and hold them accountable for those goals. We'll have to see if you passion is meeting your goals. Anybody can set goals but if they are not fueled by passion they are empty sets of words. How bad do you want to get there?

5 things:
1. Passion is fueled by ownership over your goals. These need to be things that you want.

2. Passion is fueled by accountability. Shared goals take people further than unshared goals.

3. Passion is fueled by noble pursuits to effect others positively. My goal will help others in some way. Those that served the concentration camps were the ones that served others. The inward focused ones did not survive.

4. Passion is fueled by intrinsic rewards.

5. Passion is fueled by fun. We often forget this as we grow up.

Passion separates the good from the best.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this. This is such a huge Key. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

You are sooo brilliant! and so generous. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Jim said, "Wow! Thank you again. This is awesome"