Friday, July 07, 2006


Winners deserve to win in advance. They have incredible healthy self-esteem. We are all clay and my clay is as good as anyone else's.

Fear holds us back:
1. Fear of gigantic danger. That's why so many live where they grew up because they are comfortable there.

2. Fear of change. We want to stay comfy.

3. Fear of failure. When we are young we don't care about being wrong. As we get older we get rejected more and start to hold back.

4. Fear of success. Not in itself but because we feel like we've made mistakes for our whole lives and are not capable of success. Full of doubt and feeling of being inadequate. Many feel selfish if they have success. They then don't feel deserving. We are as good as anyone else, and no better at the same time. We deserve whatever we grow to become.

You are sitting in a chair with four legs. 4 legs of self-esteem:
1. Belonging to a winning group. Leg of affiliation. People look for a group of acceptance. We need to help people feel like part of something.

2. The leg of worthiness. I am a work of art in progress. So many look only skin deep at at end results. That is not what worth is it comes from the inside. Many people have over come incredible handicaps to achieve success and you are worth the effort as well to become more. We need to bring out that potential of people. Raise the expectations of our affiliates because we know they can do it. They are worth the effort.

3. The leg of identifying labels. What is different or special of each person. Find something that is special about yourself.

4. The leg of core competency. Get the skills of doing something that builds small successes. It makes us feel competent. Our confidence comes from our competence. We can believe in ourselves way before we make the magazine covers.

We have unlimited value given to us at birth just like everyone else. It's up to us to polish ourselves up and to help others shine as well.

When the mind talks the body listens and acts accordingly. Talk to yourself the best possible! Be clean and as sharp as possible. Good eye contact, listen well if speaking on the phone. Say your name first when asking for the prospect. "Hi this is Chad Tom there?"


Anonymous said...

It takes real talent and motivation to break each thing down like you do. It really really helps. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS INFO ITS FEEDING ME Like WATER!!!!! I am the PLANT!!!! Growing every day closer to Bigger Achievements!! Thank you.