Tuesday, July 11, 2006

You Can Do It

Everything people say negative for you reverse the thoughts to positives. Too hot out, good sun for the plants. Try to limit the amount of listening you actually do to those negative thoughts.

Bad news sells because it's not you and makes us feel better not challenging ourselves to become better. We need to watch our influences. Don't let people be the judge of you. What authority do they have? What makes them at such a credible level to judge? One of my mentors has sold 10 million cd's on success and his mom still cuts out want ads for jobs for him "1,500$ a month for delivery, must have your own truck". She asks him if anyone in their family will ever be successful. It would be better if we received internal approval instead of needing external. If we can not worry about others feelings towards us we can then focus more on them and our feelings towards them.

I can't change your lives only give you the information that has changed mine and encourage you to stay committed to allowing it to change yours. We become what we are most exposed to. Even if you havn't found out your keys to success it does not matter...where do you want to go from here. Turn failure into fertilizer. We need to be creating success now, we can't put it off. Our freetime should be our primetime to grow closer to success. The harder I work the luckier I get. Do things that make you feel better about yourself because it teaches you and leads you in your growth instead of watching other people live like normal tv shows. Believe in your potential. Invest in yourself. Who's in charge of your life? Winners make it happen and losers let it happen. You are responsible and accountable for the outcome. Put the practice and effort in that the rest are not willing to do. Self discipline and belief.

There is a danger in looking at successful people and not remembering the struggle they had to get to where they are. Behind every world class person there is a world class coach and world class disciplines put forth failing time and time again to become better. Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent, perfect practice makes permant perfection.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the internal fact that we have a choice. Thank you. Mark

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you! I turn failure into fertiliser, there is more sun for the plants! lol.

Anonymous said...

If I got up today, the world didn't end over night. If it's going to end today, I want it to be a surprise. If anything truly important happens, someone will tell me. This has been my philosophy for a long time. It helps keep the negative out of my life so I can focus on the positive. Families are frequently the last ones to give us any credit for our successes. This should not deter us, only strengthen our resolve. I'm so glad that you put these ideas much better than I, and in the blog! Thank you for helping us define our thoughts.