Monday, July 10, 2006

Peak Performance

This can help you increase your productivity by over 300% in the next 90 days if you really follow it.

How to become a peak performer, a producer.

Productivity factor triangle.
On the base is "Clarity of Outcome". All performers know where they are going. Goals in all areas as well as the hour by hour goals. Knowing the desired outcome of every call. If you go to the store do you have a desired outcome for the trip? Why not do that same thing in all areas of your life all the time. The power of your future and the pull of your future on you now if gigantic to your success. We have three different domains, present, past, and future. Present domain is where we are now and we talk about the future and where we would like to be. What's in the future? Nothing, so anything can be in the future. It's all possibilities. How can your future impact your present? The future's job is to take whatever you put in it and to come along and wrap around the present life of you and pull you toward itself. If you don't put anything in it you are at the whim of what others are putting in it. The best way to determine your future is to create it. Put something in the future that you desire to experience so that it will bring you somewhere you like. Many times we put goals in the future based on what we have done in the past. So we are never really in the present and putting the past in the future. Blending the past through all we do. We don't want to relive our past. Let's experience something better and bigger.

2nd part: consolidation of power. Left side of triangle.
Martial arts concept. You have to go through the brick. All the power consolidated in going through it. We need to maximize our time effort and energy. 80/20 principle or pareto principle. 20% of what we do produces 80% of our results. We need to find those 20% activities and focus.
Top 5
1. Use the mall and the trainings and share it. You've got to love the product so others will want to give money to it. Our site with all the stores along with our personal development trainings are our main products.
2. We need to show the opportunity. If we don't show it we can't produce anything. Most people don't come close to showing the opportunity enough.
3. Attend and promote trainings. They need to be part of our routine and we need to be able to create excitement for those events. People are not logical they are emotional. To have an impact we need to create emotional involvement and bring our people to things that will help create those feelings. We need to use stories to help create that excitement as well.
4. Engage yourself and others in personal development. Our level of income will rarely exceed our level of personal growth. So when I made 3k a month as a bar manager I would never make more even with a great opportunity until I improved.
5. Learn and teach our system. Our system is different than what we've done before. A microwave has a different system and instructions to follow than a pool does. We need to learn this system.

3rd point and the right side of triangle. Commitment to disciplines.
Simple disciplines or simple errors in judgment. We are going to do one or the other. One big discipline is talking to tons of people. An error would be not talking to enough people even though we know we need to. A simple discipline maybe uncomfortable at first especially when people are saying no. It's often comfortable to commit those errors in judgment like watching TV, hanging out doing nothing. However, if we do the simple disciplines over a period of time the compounding effect will kick in and help us become successful. It will seem like it was overnight although it was because of all those countless simple disciplines built along the years. It will go from being uncomfortable to being comfortable. Errors work in the same way, they can be comfortable at first but if they keep happening the compound effect will kick in and we'll be down and out wondering what happened that is uncomfortable. The people who do the simple disciplines take responsibility for where they are while others blame anyone and everyone for their situation. Blaming others gives them the power instead of us taking it.

Law of compensation:
1. Sowing and reaping. If we are positive...positive will come back.
2. Increasing returns. You will reap more of what you sow as it compounds.
3. Delayed gratification. What you sow will be reaped later. The harvest is in a different season than the planting. Many people want it to be right away or they get frustrated. It doesn't work that way.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is Phenominal and Incredible!!!! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I really needed to "hear" this. What powerful lessons!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this search tool. I'm redoing this all over again. Makes it soo much simpler to find what we want. And go back to what we need to review. I'm redoing this one. Thank you. Phenomenal!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I need to talk to more people. I committ to finding a way to be faster, to build rapport faster, to increase my speed with dials, to be more efficient with my minutes, to build stronger rapport in less time, and with shorter followups. So I can get it done. I get it done! Thank you.