Thursday, July 13, 2006

Working with different types of people

Working with others:
1. Know yourself
2. Learn to recognize others style
3. Adapt to what you're seeing

1. Connect: establish rapport with someone. Some people will share freely about themselves and some won't. Adapt to what they are open to. Lower tension and increase trust. We are trying to build your relationship. If they are not open to a relationship work on building the credibility of you and your product.

2. Exploring: once connected they will tell you the situation. We need to explore their situation and try to help them. We aren't thinking about selling them something but rather trying to come along side to help them and learning about their needs. Need gap-difference between what they are doing now and need to be doing different. If there is a small need gap then they won't work with you because they don't need you at this time. Perhaps later or maybe with further exploration we can create a larger need gap for them. Approach people like a Doctor would. What is your pain and how can I help you? You will come across more relaxed and like a partner instead of a salesperson. If they are not ready yet ask them how and how often would you like me to keep in touch with you? You may find resources outside of what we market that help them and that is terrific. Helping others is what it is all about.

3. Collaborating: We've listened and now we are ready to move to their side of the equation to put together ideas to help them. I want you to say and see how this will work for you to solve your problems. The customer helps build the solution. If you helped build a house wouldn't you want to live in it?

Direct type people:
They are more open and willing to share or lead the conversation.
Social type of people will race through the steps sometimes too fast and have buyers remorse.

Aggressive types will go fast too and want to cut to the chase so they can make the decision. You will have to find the solution faster and explore more later.

Indirect people:
They will need you to lead them more.
Relational type: explore big time and go at their slower pace. They may ask more questions then they tell.
Analytical type: will be suspect of what is coming out of your mouth. We will have to go slow with them as well. They will have to connect the dots for themselves with our help.

Clarifying commitments: We came up with these ideas to solve your problem. "If you do this and I do this we will find the solution." With this clarified then we should be taking action to get started.

Assuring: The commitment is done however they need to continue to feel assured. We need a partner for life. They need to have delivery from our end of what they were told to get and beyond.


Anonymous said...

Very useful. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Jim said," This is so profound! Oh Thanks a million !!:D