Monday, June 12, 2006


What are the variables that separate the good from the best of goal setters?

Focus: Can you give more than 100%? People say "I gave it 110%". Look at a pie graph, the whole thing is 100%. If you take away 10% you can only replace that 10%. People are saying they see you in something that has not been tapped into yet. Something being held back from reaching your full potential. Person exercising on tread mill with no clock 26 mins. Then collapse, 28 mins. With clock. Came back with no clock and stayed at 26 mins. But was told 28:15. Then with the clock did 28:16. The clock helped his focus.
When we set goals we need to have 4 keys:
1. Set specific goals: evaluate and measure
2. Set tangible goals: see, feel, hear, smell, and touch.
3. Set difficult goals:stretches us to move forward.
4. Set Self-referenced goals: don't measure against someone else. How am I doing today against yesterday.

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