Saturday, June 24, 2006

Law of the Shareholder

Successful sales people by stock in themselves. Don't think of yourselves as employees but rather the owner and CEO. This will change the way we act and view our lives. This will lift our lid of limitations that we place on ourselves acting like an employee.

Doesn't matter where we are in our career, we won't reach our potential until we make this realization.

CEO mindset- we see ourselves as the business owner with a compelling vision to help people with what you do each day. CEO's invest in themselves, use every minute, concerned with results not just effort, quality, earning confidence and trust.
CEO won't let things get in their way scheduling your priorities. How you work is more important than anything about the company and it's services.

Investments that help you buy stock in yourself:
1. Time with those you care about.
2. Personal development. What is the plan to take care of your best asset, yourself. What areas need to be worked on and improved? Grow yourself and you will grow your business. How long in coaching site per day? How many live trainings? Make sure to be at every advanced training. Pay attention to experts. We will need coaching through our entire careers.
3. Watch every minute of time and make sure you are not wasting them. So many people communicate more things than necessary which takes time from them and others involved. Make sure your focus is on the goals at hand and that you are respecting the goals of those you are communicating with. Protecting your time will give you more time for other goals.
4. Focus on image. Look good and you will often feel good. You and your business must look good, friendly, and inviting.
5. Reinvest money in your business. The more the better. Many times people do not invest in their business as much or as long as a typical business person would. Many should have a part time job just to be able to fund their business properly until it is self-sufficient.
6. Exercise. Health will bring wealth.

There are no short cuts. Invest as much and as often as you can in yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank you. I love these simple and specific guidelines. They are a great help to me and to the new person. You are amazing!