Saturday, June 24, 2006


High performers do things that produce results.

Goal setting:
1. They guide and direct our behavior
2. They give us focus which gives us clarity.
3. They give us hope. Hope brings out the best in us.
4. They cause us to organize ourselves and our resources.
5. They help bring us to the next level.

A goal is anything you want to do, be, have, or achieve.

Do we have to write them down or put them into the goal sheet each day? What if we don't? First off are we doing good hitting our goals in life without doing them? If we are (which most aren't) then imagine how good we would do if we wrote them down. It programs our subconscious mind.

In our society there are no unrealistic goals only unrealistic time frames for achieving those goals. We need a reasonable time frame.

We have a present self image of us at this very moment. We also have a projected self image where we will be in the future. We need a great exciting projected self image. That's where we get the passion to make things happen when we know that our present self image is not where our projected self image is in the future.

If you are casual about these processes you are going to be a casualty.

Go to the and register for free. Watch all the goals videos. We need to focus on what has to be done today in the short term in order to start moving towards our long term goal and projected self image.

Let's look at where we are in each of these areas. To be rounded you should have career goals (how many free sign-ups, how many paid sites), physical (exercise), spiritual (study, prayer, meditation), education (how long we study each day), family (time, attention), finances (paying off debts, savings, net-worth), community (time, money), social (hobbies, clubs, organizations).

Now that we know where we are where would we like to be, what is our projected self image in each of these areas?

What would you try in your life if you knew you would not fail? Let's grow to the next level and then anything is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! So useful. I love that one: What would I try in my life if I knew I could not fail. That is the Key! Yyeeeeehhhaaawww. Thank you!