Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Take Control

Why would anyone look at an opportunity to make money and save time and not do it? They are being controlled by their past habits that have been passed along from others to them. We have become sub-conscious conditioned.

Success is tough for people, they don't know how to get it. Try things and then give up. To learn success we must learn why we are where we are now.

1. Where you are-most don't know where we are. Your results are neither good not bad. They are just your results. It's more important to think of the 2nd thing.

2. Where you are going-your present results have nothing to do with where you are going unless you let it. What do I really want...The how does not matter.

Who are you? Spiritual beings gifted with intellect which dictates our emotional states which dictates our physical state. We say we our physical because we can not see our spirit.

Mind:conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind gives ability to choose. The subconscious is always on. What you think through your senses presses onto your subconscious mind and then creates a feeling. We need to program our subconscious mind. It does as it is instructed. Lets say you're earning 50k per year....Would you have thoughts of someone making 200k a year? We wouldn't, in fact we probably think the 200k is so different than the thoughts we have at 50k. Our culture helps create these patterns. When you were little what were the thoughts around you about income that were programming your subconscious mind? Who picked your program?

Get locked into study. Learn. You have infinite potential. What are you doing with it?

Learn how to make decisions. Successful people make decisions quick and change them slow.

Learn how to earn money. It allows you to be more effective at whatever you are doing. Money makes you more comfortable which allows you to do better.

How much time do you spend thinking and what are you thinking about? Monitor your thinking.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous stuff! Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Omg. It's ALL here. Thank you again.